TOWNSEND — Joy Marzolf is excited to highlight New England’s diverse and lively wildlife during a presentation titled “Birds in Your Backyard.”
The presentation will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1, at the Townsend Public Library, 12 Dudley Road.
A wide variety of birds may visit backyards in the Greater Boston area. What makes a good backyard habitat? How do you attract those beautiful birds? Who is coming and who is going this time of year?
“Many birds may visit our backyards during the year,” said Marzolf. “Some are colorful, some are comical, but all can be fun to watch.”
Marzolf, who founded The Joys of Nature, has loved animals from the time she was a child growing up in New England and she would always take advantage of any outdoor time to explore nature.
The Joys of Nature features live animal programs for all ages as well as New England Nature / Nature Travel presentations and more.
“I still love to explore,” she said, “but also to share my knowledge about wildlife, wildlife photography, and nature in general.”
In addition to a BA in Biology, she has been doing a variety of animal-related education programs in her professional life for over 20 years.
“Come find out more about our local birds, as well as occasional visitors, and what brings them to our neighborhoods,” said Marzolf. “Experience the sights and sounds of some of our most beautiful neighbors!”
This presentation is funded by the Townsend Public Library Endowment and a grant from the Local Cultural Council.
For more information, or to register, visit or call 978-582-4140. For more information on Joy Marzolf and The Joys of Nature, visit her website at
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