Mar 10, 2023
2 mins read
2 mins read

New To The Arena

New To The Arena


You may call me Grandpa Grumps. I have been called other things, some of which should not be repeated. You may have guessed that I am an old man with children and grandchildren. You would be correct. On this channel you will eventually find video of me reading aloud some of the children's books I have written and illustrated. You will also find inspirational video of art with a religious nature. I will also just put up some art work that I like, some mine, some famous, some just because.

If you read my introduction, you may have also guessed that i see the world a bit differently than most folks. I will be talking about that world view as it pertains to government, education, family, religion, and whatever other thought occurs to me.

Art, either visual, auditory, or performing, allows us to momentarily transcend the little cocoon we call time and space. There is such a thing as real art. Tastes are subjective, but art is objective. Not everything that is passed off as "artistic" is real art. If art doesn't elevate, educate, or point to the truth, then it is at best poorly done. If art is being used to denigrate, degrade, vandalize, scandalize, victimize, or exploit, then it isn't even art. Hey, I am as guilty as anyone. Some of my art hasn't been very thoughtful.

Have you ever had a "God Moment" while watching artesian water spring up out of the dirt. It just comes out of the ground. Have you ever really stopped your busy vain hustle of life and contemplated the stars in the night sky. (By-the-way, gazing into the starscape, you may occasionally see things that have no explanation in Newtonian physics. Just sayin'.) Have you set aside your personal biases and listened to or peered at the heart of the artist in a style of music?

If you can set aside the worries and troubles of life for just a second and absorb the sublime, you will experience a brief glimpse of the eternal.

Gnat Vee March 2023