Oct 2, 2023
12 mins read
12 mins read

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

According to legend, as early as more than 5,000 years ago, people's life was still in the stage of clan and tribe, and the laws of people's life were in line with the natural rhythm of heaven and earth. Work at sunrise, rest at sunset; sow in spring, work in summer, harvest in autumn, hunt in winter. With the continuous increase of the population and the increasing demand, due to the lack of resources, conflicts and wars continue to occur between various clans and tribes. After a long period of struggle and turmoil, people's social structure has also undergone great changes. , from the clan tribe to the tribal alliance. At this time, a great and outstanding person named Huang Di came out. It is said that Huang Di was different from the moment he was born. He was able to say a lot of truths about the world when he was very young. When he was a teenager, Huang Di loved learning and was busy all day. In his youth, Huang Di was burly, agile, intelligent and capable. People worshiped the Yellow Emperor very much and respected the Yellow Emperor as their tribal leader.

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

After Huangdi became the tribal leader, he calmed down the surrounding wars and took agriculture as the main source of survival materials. Together with the tribal people, the Yellow Emperor also mastered the growth characteristics of many plain agriculture, so that the agriculture in the Central Plains achieved stable development. In order to strengthen his tribe and enable people to live a long and healthy life, Huangdi often summed up and observed people's life experience and the law of life growth together with many ministers, and made great contributions to people's health.

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

One day, the Yellow Emperor asked his teacher Qi Bo: "I see that everyone is born from a mother's laborious ten-month pregnancy. Why are some people smart and eager to learn, while others are ignorant and ignorant? Some people are healthy. Some people are afflicted with diseases; some people live to be a hundred years old, and some people die halfway."

Qi Bo replied: "Nian Nian is the lifespan given to people by nature. A Nian Nian is two Jiazi, one Jiazi is 60 years, and two Jiazi is exactly 120 years. Living to the age of 120 is the life expectancy of a normal person, but people because of After birth, living habits are different, education methods are different, living environment is different, hobbies and interests are biased, and it is difficult to unify thousands of people Not the same."

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

The Yellow Emperor asked Qibo again: "People's life spans vary, some die prematurely, and some live a hundred years old. Why do some people look very healthy but suddenly die suddenly, while others look sick and crooked but live a long time , is there a rule to follow? The rise and fall of qi and blood and the process from birth to death, can you tell me about it? I can warn the people of the world."

Qi Bo said okay: "I will take ten years as a stage to introduce the physical condition and psychological changes in different periods."

The first stage: life is ten years old, the five internal organs are beginning to settle, the blood and qi have been opened, and the qi is at the bottom, so it is easy to walk;

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

In the childhood stage from 0 to 10 years old, the five internal organs of the child at this time have just developed and stabilized, and the qi and blood vessels from head to toe are very smooth. During this period, the child's brain development is immature, and the thinking problem is not very comprehensive. So I would jump around every day, and I don't have much safety awareness. Sometimes it's normal to kick over a table or hit a cup. At this stage of being a parent, you must protect your child's safety. You can't complain loudly to your child just because the child has done something wrong, because the child is ignorant, naughty, and likes to exercise when he can't sit still. This is the nature of children.

Children at this stage are very timid and easily frightened, and most of people's character and hobbies are formed during this period. There is an old saying in China: Three-year-old sees old, seven-year-old sees old. The meaning of this saying is that the influences people experience as children can sometimes stay with their children for a lifetime. Especially in the early childhood stage, you should pay special attention to it. Sometimes you will find that the child suddenly stops eating, starts to cry when he goes to bed at night, and does not go to bed until he is tired from crying. This is most likely due to some emotional influence. Sometimes it is frightened, and sometimes it may be that you have lost your beloved toy. Parents must find the reasons and give their children enough sense of security, so that the children will grow up healthily.

The second stage: at the age of 20, the blood and energy are beginning to flourish, the muscles are long, so it is easy to trend;

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

From the age of 10 to the age of 20, the human body is in a stage of rapid growth. At this time, the blood and blood begin to be vigorous and energetic. It is a good time to grow the body. Likes sports, runs and jumps, and recovers quickly. At this time, it is best to let the children exercise more and take them to the outdoors to participate in various activities, which have many benefits for the development of children.

Children in this age group are a bit like a calf who is not afraid of tigers. Most children of this age group have a heroic dream in their minds. Some children even feel that they are here to maintain the peace of the universe and save mankind. So a bit of a rebellious feeling, which is a relatively normal phenomenon. Parents are best not to discourage their children during this period. This stage must not put too much pressure and burden on children. It is best to guide children to do what they like to do. Parents should try their best to help children achieve their desired goals and cultivate their self-esteem.

At the age of 30, the five internal organs are stable, the muscles are strong, and the blood vessels are full, so it is easy to walk;

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

From the age of 20 to 30 years old, this time is the golden stage of the life cycle, the body is basically mature, energetic, full of qi and blood, and vigorous. This stage is more suitable for dating. Because young people work overtime and stay up late, it's fine, especially for lesbians. After getting married and having a child, staying up late at night to take care of the child is not afraid of being tired, because the energy recovers quickly and will not affect the daytime life. So young people can toss. After this age, the energy is slightly less.

People at this stage have big dreams and open minds, but they lack social experience and are vulnerable to blows when they really step into society. This stage is also a critical period for the establishment of social outlook, outlook on life and values. At this stage, we must not be afraid of hardships and failures, we must move forward courageously in the face of setbacks, we must be humble and prudent, and have a wide range of hobbies. People in this age group must know that they are inexperienced, accept their shortcomings, and will encounter many unsatisfactory things in the process of growing up. As long as they are strong enough, they will have enough time to explore and pursue.

At the age of forty, the five viscera, six fu organs and twelve meridians are all prosperous and calmed down, and the glutes are beginning to be sparse.

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

From the age of 30 to 40, the body is in a stable state, but the vigor of the young people in the past has begun to decrease, and the complexion will also decrease, and they no longer love sports as much as when they were young. The biggest feature is that it is relatively stable and reliable. Generally, people of this age group are more attentive and will not make mistakes easily.

When people reach this age, they should consider paying attention to their physical condition, develop some interests and hobbies, and lay the foundation for their rich old life while they are not blind or deaf. For example, practicing calligraphy, learning to draw, etc., cultivate some spiritual hobbies. If you wait until the eyes are not good and the ears can't hear, it will be too late to lay the foundation.

Fifty years old, liver qi begins to decline, liver lobes begin to thin, bile begins to decrease, and eyes begin to be unclear;

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

After the age of 40 to 50, people are more mature, wise, thoughtful, and knowledgeable. But starting from this age, the function of the first organ of the body, the liver, is not as good as before, the metabolic function begins to decline, the hair begins to turn white, and the body begins to go downhill. Occasionally, dizziness and tinnitus may occur, which is due to the decline of physical function.

Many people will face the problem of retirement when they reach this age. In fact, retirement is also the beginning of another way of life. After struggling for a lifetime, raising children and making a lot of contributions to the society. After retirement, the children don't have to take care of themselves, and they don't have to worry about work. This time is really their own time. I have accumulated some rich life experience and wealth. If you have the conditions, you can do something you really like and contribute to the society meaningful thing. Being valuable and meaningful to the society is not to give something of oneself to others, but to create something by oneself. For example, when you write a character yourself, you feel comfortable when you see it, and others are inspired by it after reading it. This is what it means to society.

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

At the age of sixty, the heart and qi begin to decline. If you are worried and sad, the blood and qi are slack, so you like to lie down;

After the age of 50 to 60, the heart function of the second organ of the body begins to decline. At this time, there will be a lack of heart qi, and thoughts will begin to decrease. Some people are prone to worry about gains and losses, and people also become lazy and unwilling to move. I like to lie down. This is because the blood is not strong enough. So at this time, let go of what should be put down, and don't think too much. Taking good care of your body is the greatest success.

Seventy years old, spleen deficiency, dry skin;

From 60 to 70 years old, the third organ, the digestive function of the spleen and stomach declines, the absorption function becomes poor, and the food is not as much as before, so the skin lacks nourishment and wrinkles begin to increase. During this period, it is best to have a light diet, quit smoking and limit alcohol, and maintain an optimistic attitude.

At the age of eighty, the lung qi is weakened, the spirit is detached, so the words are good and wrong;

From the age of 70 to 80, the lung function decreases, the memory starts to fail, it is easy to forget things, and it is easy to say the wrong thing. Children must always go home to see, do not blame the elderly.

At the age of ninety, kidney qi is scorched, and the meridians of the four viscera are empty;

From the age of 80 to 90, the kidney qi is also deficient, the body qi and blood are deficient, the body fluid is out of balance, and the congenital qi is all deficient. , (The changes in the human body observed by the ancients are that the congenital kidney qi of people in their 80s or 90s does not begin to decay. Many modern people have kidney deficiency at the age of 40 or 50. This is because they consume too much when they are young. The reason is so powerful. Therefore, we must understand the law of life growth as soon as possible, and live in accordance with the natural rhythm, so that many innocent diseases will not appear. Many people complain that they are unlucky, and feel that they have a certain disease is a bad fate, in fact, it is not, all All diseases occur for a reason, so a good lifestyle is the root cause of reducing disease.)

At a hundred years old, all five internal organs are empty, all spirits and qi are gone, and the body and body live alone and die.

From 90 to 100 years old, the entire body function declines to the extreme.

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life

This is how the whole life changes. We must do a good job of health preservation in advance, seriously think about the impermanence of life, and face every day in life with a positive heart.

"Huangdi Neijing" story version - 0 to 100 years old, the growth wisdom of the human body and life