The underlying culprit behind government waste and fraud has now been exposed by Elon Musk. In an interview with Senator Ted Cruz, he exposed the existence of fourteen “magic money computers” that have the potential to “send money out of nothing,” implying that these governmental systems are disbursing trillions of dollars in payments without transparency or control.
The computers in question, as Musk put it, do not “talk to each other.” Musk instead described how they work to enable unfettered movement of funds through government entities, even when this movement conflicts with official records.
There is a possibility that government books are incorrect by 5 to 10%, thus the figures that parliamentarians see are not always true. The real financial activity is concealed deep inside these systems, which might lead to the misallocation or disappearance of hundreds of billions of dollars in government funds.
You might assume that all of the government computers communicate with one another. They tally up the money that is going to various places; they synchronize, and it makes sense that the figures you are shown as a senator, for instance, are the actual numbers. They aren’t,” Musk clarified.
He continued, “They are not entirely incorrect.” “In certain instances, they are likely off by 5% or 10%.” Therefore, I refer to it as the Magic Money Computer. Any computer capable of generating revenue arbitrarily. “That is money that is magical.” “How does that operate?” Ted Cruz inquired.
Musk responded, “It merely processes payments.” “I believe we have located 14 magic money computers at this time.” They simply transfer funds without any intention of doing so.
On a related note, Elon Musk has previously referred to government-funded NGOs as one of the largest frauds in history, asserting that they drain hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars without accountability, resulting in significant waste and misallocation. He asserts that numerous purported nonprofit organizations are nothing more than money laundering operations that are disguised as charitable organizations, and he estimates that up to $700 billion is transferred annually through them.
Musk contends that the most effective approach to comprehending waste, fraud, and financial manipulation is to direct attention to the computers that process payments, rather than to concentrate on bureaucratic structures. What is the issue? These systems are concealed beneath layers of bureaucracy, rendering it virtually impossible for lawmakers or agency heads to monitor the actual allocation of funds in real time.
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