Truth Clarification Material List

Rebuttals to how Shen Yun operates and treats its performers  NYT:

  1. Article by Falun Dafa Information Center (FDIC)

    10 Things to Know About The New York Times’ “Investigation” of Shen Yun, Falun Gong 


  2. Press release1 by Shen Yun Performing Arts

    Behind the Recent Media Misrepresentations of Shen Yun


  3. Press release2 by Shen Yun Performing Arts

    New York Times Coverage of Shen Yun Riddled With Inaccuracies and Exudes Bias


  4. Interview with Dr. Jingduan Yang, CEO of Northern Medical Center.

    Not True and Not Respectful to Shen Yun"


  5. Interview with Dr. Damon Noto, an award-winning physician who treats a range of athletes and Shen Yun dancers. 

    I Treat Shen Yun Dancers All the Time”


  6. Interview with Shen Yun Principal Dancer William Li

    Not the Shen Yun I Know”


  7. Interview with Sophia Sun, mother of two Shen Yun dancers

    How I Support My Kids in Following Their Dreams”


  8. Interview with Alison Chen, Shen Yun former dancer

    Growth, Humility, and Checking Your Ego”


  9. Interview with Levi Browde, father of two Shen Yun dancers

    My Sons Found a Sense of Belonging and Purpose with Shen Yun


  10. Video by lawyer John Moran

    The New York Times 'Failed the Basic Test of Honesty”


Shen Yun becomes the target of sabotage and persecution by CCP:

  1. Article by Shen Yun Performing Arts

    Challenges We Face - A performing arts company up against the world’s biggest dictatorship”


  2. Interview with Principal Dancer William Li

    Not the Shen Yun I Know”


  3. Interview with Levi Browde, the Executive Director of the Falun Dafa Information Center

    CCP's Tactics to Sway American Opinion Against Shen Yun Exposed


  4. Interview with Levi Browde, the Executive Director of the Falun Dafa Information Center

    How the CCP Twists Reality: From Persecuting Falun Gong to Attacking Shen Yun


  5. Interview with Mingye Liu, Shen Yun former dancer

    The Reality Is Worse Than What I Portrayed on Stage


  6. Interview with Levi Browde, father of two Shen Yun dancers

    Shen Yun Is Under Constant Threat from the CCP


  7. Article by The Epoch Time

    Shen Yun Alleges Lawsuit ‘Undoubtedly’ Part of CCP Attack Campaign


  8. Press Release by Department of Justice, US government

    California Man Sentenced for Acting as an Illegal Agent…”


  9. Interview of Levi Browdy & Ying Chen by NTDTV

    Shen Yun: Lawsuit Appears Part of Broader Campaign to Stop Us



The Export of Persecution of Falun Gong Oversees by CCP:

  1. Video report by David Zhang, Youtube influencer of China Insider

    The CCP's Enemy #1”


  2. Report by Falun Dafa Information Center

    Two CCP Agents Sentenced for Targeting Falun Gong in the United States


  3. Report by Falun Dafa Information Center

    Internal Chinese Source Names Minister of State Security as Driver of Anti-Falun Gong Disinformation”


  4. News report by Petr Svab, The Epoch Times reporter

    CCP Whistleblower Names Top Chinese Official Behind Attacks on Shen Yun


  5. TV report by Cross Road, Epoch TV

    CCP Plans to ‘Activate Agents’ to Export Persecution Onto US Soil


  6. Video by David Zhang, TV anchor and Youtube influencer of China Insider.

    YouTuber Tim Pool, who has millions of fans, received a letter saying that he would be paid $200 as long as he posts a finished video criticizing Falun Gong


  7. Video by 薇羽, Youtube influencer of 薇羽看世間

    “揭秘《紐約時報》的中國背景和深耕中國的真相” Revealing the relationship of The New York Times with Chinese regime and the truth behind its deep involvement in China.

  8. Testimony, Ben Maloney, Director of Digital Outreach at the Falun Dafa Information Center

    My honest thoughts about recent New York Times coverage on Falun Gong and Shen Yun”


  9. Press release by Falun Dafa Information Center

    New York Times Continues Unfounded Attack on Falun Gong Beliefs, Community


  10. 追查国际調查報告

    《纽约时报》在美国以主流社会的技巧和方式来重复中共谎言 中共对美国法轮功发动超限战”


  11. Investigation report by WOIPFG 

    The New York Times Uses Mainstream American Techniques and Methods to Repeat the Lies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Which Has Launched an Unrestricted War against Falun Gong in the United States”


What is Falun Gong? What is Shen Yun about?

  1. A short video introduction 


  2. Falun Gong before 1999


  3. Falun Dafa Greatly Improves Health


  4. Why is Falun Gong persecuted in China?


  5. Forced Organ Harvesting


  6. Killed for Organs: China's Secret - State Transplant Business


  7. CCP Targets Shen Yun


  8. 明慧文章



  9. Article by

    Shen Yun’s Gift to American Culture”


  10. US congress passed  “Falun Gong Protection Act” H.R.4132


  11. Introduction of Shen Yun by former Shen Yun dancer, Allison Chen

    5 Things About Shen Yun You Probably Didn't Know

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