Jul 9, 2024
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6 mins read

The Funniest Photos So Far in the 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards—Each Entry Is Rib-Tickling

The Funniest Photos So Far in the 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards—Each Entry Is Rib-Tickling
The Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards has pulled back the curtain on its top entries from 2024 so far—and they’re rib-tickling.

Founded in 2015 by a pair of professional photographers, the Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards aims to highlight “the lighter side of wildlife photography.” The organization advocates for conservation through good-natured humor.

The contest will close on July 31, but nature lovers can already enjoy the fun through photos that Nikon has released and dubbed “the front-runners” of the contest.

Here are some of the selected comical entries from this year:

‘Laughing Out Loud’ by Ingo Hamann

Describing the fun picture from Helgoland, Germany, the photographer Ingo Hamann says the newborn seal “seems to be laughing at a good joke.”
"Laughing Out loud." (© Ingo Hamann/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards)
"Laughing Out loud." (© Ingo Hamann/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards)

‘Did You Hear The One About The…?’ by Wendy-Kaveney

Another comic photo, “Did You Hear The One About The…?” was taken by Wendy-Kaveney from Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. This shot shows a group of polar bears seemingly joking with one another and “laughing hysterically.”
"Did You Hear The One About The....?" (© Wendy-Kaveney/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)
"Did You Hear The One About The....?" (© Wendy-Kaveney/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)

‘Three’s A Crowd’ by Deena Sveinsson

Photographer Deena Sveinsson shot “Three’s A Crowd” in Antarctica. The story behind this particular image is, perhaps, as funny as the photo itself.

Ms. Sveinsson was on a trip to Antarctica, snapping photos of chinstrap penguins. After taking a few normal shots, she noticed that a certain group of three penguins were “hanging out with one another having a good time.”

“Three's A Crowd.” (© Deena Sveinsson/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)
“Three's A Crowd.” (© Deena Sveinsson/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)

Ms. Sveinsson walked as quickly as she could toward the group, but as she reached the penguins, they seemed to be in the middle of a “disagreement of some sorts.”

“Shortly thereafter, the penguin pair briskly walked off leaving the poor little lone fellow wondering why he was left,” she said. “I couldn’t help but laugh when I viewed this photo [on] the back of my camera. How humanlike. And how awful it must be to be that third wheel.”

‘Three Heads Are Better Than One’ by John Mullineux

Another hilarious entry has been dubbed “Three Heads Are Better Than One.”
"Three Heads Are Better Than One." (© John Mullineux/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)
"Three Heads Are Better Than One." (© John Mullineux/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)

Describing his image, photographer John Mullineux said two male giraffes began fighting “shortly after drinking some water” in the Green Kalahari in Northern Cape, South Africa.

“They again started sizing each other up but ended up scooching over to a third giraffe. In a single moment, the three formed one body with three heads,” he said.

‘Holding on For a Ride’ by Alexander Fine

“Holding on For a Ride” by Alexander Fine, taken in the Lake Clark National Park in southwest Alaska, depicts a mother bear trying to move in vain because her cubs want to go for a ride instead of a walk. It seems many parents can relate to this!
"Holding on For a Ride." (© Alexander Fine/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)
"Holding on For a Ride." (© Alexander Fine/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)

‘Pick Me. Pick Meeeeee’ by Thomas Van Puymbroeck

Photographer Thomas Van Puymbroeck took “Pick Me. Pick Meeeeee” in the sea near Curacao Island in the Caribbean. The photo of a sea turtle is captioned, “Who wants to live in a plastic free ocean? Meeeee!”
"Pick me. Pick Meeeeee." (© Thomas van Puymbroeck/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)
"Pick me. Pick Meeeeee." (© Thomas van Puymbroeck/Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards.)

Categories in the Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards include Spectrum Photo Birds, Fish and Other Aquatic Species, Insects, and more. They even have a Junior category and a Young Photographer category. The competition will close on July 31st, so there is still time for photographers to send in their most rib-tickling shots.

In December, The Gallery@Oxo in London will host an exhibition highlighting the photos from the contest, during which the winners will be announced. The exhibition will last one week, from December 10 to 16. Prizes for winners will include everything from a safari in Kenya to an iPad.

The senior general manager of marketing at Nikon Europe, Stefan Maier, is enthusiastic about the competition and its future.

“With only one month to go to enter the Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards, we’ve loved seeing all the hilarious entries so far, and look forward to receiving more entertaining wildlife shots over the next month,” he said in a press release.

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