Most people find it hard to maintain a serene family environment for various reasons: daily family responsibilities, financial problems , stress, anxiety.
All these troubles bottom up to the same issue: They bring division between spouses. The next step would be most likely an extramarital affair or divorce.
How can we lessen these possibilities?
Julia Roberts gives us insights of a happy marriage.
Make out
In an interview in E! News(2022) when Julia Roberts was asked “What is the ticket to paradise for a successful marriage?” she repeated two times:” Make out”. Why this “make out” is so important?
It has been proven scientifically that when we make out a rush of oxytocin released causes feelings of affection improving relationship satisfaction and may be especially important in long-term relationships.
On a spiritual level, make out can increase your mindfulness and detaching from the daily problems and worries. It can create a flirting environment between you and your spouse that will eventually boost your sense of belonging.

In 2017, Julia stated that she was optimist from a very young age. She said “I was confident that all would be ok always”. Julia smiles a lot, depicting her inner optimism.
According to a recent study, one secret to longevity is our optimism. Smiling can also expel toxins responsible for stress and ageing, and it can also contribute to a more harmonious state of mind.
Smiling makes you attractive to your spouse. Have a positive attitude in your shared life’s challenges.

Healthy boundaries
According to marriage consultant Sheri Stritof, in a healthy relationship, emotional and physical privacy is needed for yourself and your partner. Otherwise, ironically, you end up limiting your intimacy with one another, not enhancing it.
When Julia bought a house in Malibu in 2017 and her husband started going there alone, rumours of possible divorce spread throughout social media platforms.
Six years later Julia and Danny proved rumours fake. They posted on Twitter a photo of them in the countryside celebrating their 20th anniversary.
Caring for your spouse’s private space, honouring the very fact that you are individuals with your own inner life, contrary to popular opinion, will stabilise your relationship, enhance your bonding and increase intimacy.
The most common challenge for married couples is the very fact that they value being “good parents” more than being a “ good married couple” that deserves its own private space and private moments. Even if that means giving a private space on your spouse to make time for himself or herself.
“Parenting” on the expense of “individuality” is the most common cause of frictions and distancing.

Why Julia’s Roberts marriage matters?
According to a study published from Marriage Foundation, in 2020, celebrities rate divorce is above 67% percent. Most common reasons: money independence, the lure of fame and hectic daily work schedules.
Managing to keep your private life balanced in a world where working schedules are very demanding and the possession of a lot of money can make you feel you don’t actually need anyone are challenges difficult to be overcome. Still Julia Roberts and her husband they made it till today.
The secret to success: smile, make out and respect your spouses’ boundaries.
We thank Julia Roberts for her insights.
I wish you the best,
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