Dogs are often considered as man's best friend, and this is not a recent phenomenon. In fact, dogs have been living with humans for thousands of years, and ancient Egypt was one of the earliest civilizations to appreciate their value and show their affection for them. In this article, we will explore the role of dogs in ancient Egyptian society, culture, and religion and how their owners treated them.
1. The Origins of the Egyptian Dogs
The dog was the first animal to be domesticated by humans, probably around 23,000 BCE in different world regions. Some of the earliest evidence of dog domestication comes from the Middle East, where dogs were used for hunting and herding. Some of these dogs arrived in Egypt with their owners, who migrated to the Nile Valley for better living conditions.
Another source of dogs in ancient Egypt was the local jackal or African wolf, tamed by sharing food with them. The jackal was a common sight in the outskirts of the early settlements, scavenging for meat. By offering them food, humans bonded with these wild animals and gradually turned them into loyal companions.
The ancient Egyptians did not have a specific word for dog, but used two terms that referred to their barking sound: **iwiw** and **awaw**. They also distinguished different breeds of dogs based on their appearance and function. Based on the visual evidence from art and archaeology, dogs in ancient Egypt came in seven distinct kinds: **the Basenji**, **the Greyhound**, **the Ibizan**, **the Pharaoh**, **the Saluki**, **the Whippet**, and **the Molossian**. The latter originated from Greece and were renowned as the war dog of the ancient world.
2. The Role of Dogs in Ancient Egyptian Society
Dogs in ancient Egypt played a paramount role in various aspects of their owners' lives. They were used as hunters, guards, police, military, and pets.
Dogs as Hunters
Dogs were indispensable for hunting in ancient Egypt, especially for chasing and catching game such as gazelles, antelopes, hares, foxes, and birds. Dogs were trained to obey commands and signals from their handlers, who often held them on leashes or collars. Dogs were also equipped with protective gear such as leather coats or metal collars to prevent injuries from prey or predators.
Hunting scenes depicting dogs are common in ancient Egyptian art, especially on pottery dishes, palettes, tomb paintings, and reliefs. One of the earliest examples is a pottery dish from the Pre-Dynastic Period (ca. 4000 BCE) showing a handler accompanied by four hunting dogs, each on their own leash. Another famous example is the relief from the tomb of Mereruka (ca. 2345-2333 BCE), showing two Tesem (a type of Basenji) led on a leash by a hunter.
Dogs as Guards
Dogs were also valued for their ability to guard property and people from intruders and thieves. Dogs were often stationed at the entrances of houses, temples, tombs, and granaries, where they would bark or attack anyone who tried to enter without permission. Dogs were also used to patrol the borders and roads of Egypt, where they would alert soldiers or police of any suspicious activity or enemy movement.
Guard dogs were usually large and fierce breeds, such as Molossians or mastiffs. They were sometimes muzzled or chained to prevent them from harming innocent people or animals. Guard dogs were also honored for their service by being buried with their owners or in their own coffins.
Dogs as Police
Dogs were also employed by the ancient Egyptian police force, which was responsible for maintaining law and order in the country. Dogs were used to track down criminals or fugitives, to sniff out contraband or evidence, and to intimidate or subdue suspects. Dogs were also used to escort prisoners or convicts to court or to execution sites.
Police dogs, such as Greyhounds or Salukis, were usually medium-sized and agile breeds. They were trained to obey commands and signals from their handlers, who often held them on leashes or collars. Police dogs were also rewarded for their service by being given food or treats.
Dogs as Military
Dogs were also involved in military operations in ancient Egypt, especially during times of war or conflict. Dogs were used to scout enemy positions or movements, to carry messages or supplies, and to attack or distract enemy soldiers or animals. Dogs were also used to defend fortifications or camps from enemy raids or sieges.
Military dogs were usually large and strong breeds, such as Molossians or mastiffs. They were equipped with protective gear such as leather coats or metal collars to prevent injuries from weapons or attacks. Military dogs were also honored for their service by being buried with their owners or in their own coffins.
Dogs as Pets
Dogs were not only useful but also beloved by their owners in ancient Egypt. They were kept as pets, companions, and friends. Dogs were often given names such as Abutiu (meaning "clap of thunder"), Khufu (meaning "protected by the god Khnum"), or Wahibre (meaning "constant of heart"). Dogs were also pampered with food, treats, toys, and accessories. Dogs were sometimes dressed in clothes or jewelry, such as collars, bracelets, or earrings.
Pet dogs were usually small and cute breeds, such as Basenjis, Ibizans, or Pharaohs. They were often depicted in art and literature as sitting on their owners' laps, playing with children, or accompanying their owners to various activities. Pet dogs were also mourned by their owners when they died and were buried with them or in their own coffins.
3. The Role of Dogs in Ancient Egyptian Religion
Dogs were not only respected but also revered by the ancient Egyptians. They were associated with various gods and goddesses and were considered sacred animals. Dogs were also involved in religious rituals and ceremonies and were mummified and buried as offerings or votives.
Dogs and Anubis
The most prominent god associated with dogs in ancient Egypt was **Anubis**, the god of death, mummification, and the afterlife. Anubis was usually depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head, either a jackal or a dog. Anubis was the guardian of the necropolis, the protector of the dead, and the judge of the souls. Anubis was also the patron of embalmers, who prepared the bodies of the deceased for burial.
Anubis was often accompanied by dogs or jackals, who helped him in his duties. Dogs or jackals were also buried near tombs or cemeteries, where they served as guardians or messengers of Anubis. Dogs or jackals were also mummified and offered to Anubis as a sign of devotion or gratitude.
Dogs and Other Deities
Dogs were also linked to other deities in ancient Egyptian religion, such as:
- **Wepwawet**, another god of death and the afterlife, who was depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head. Wepwawet was the opener of the ways, who guided the souls of the dead to the underworld. Wepwawet was also a god of war and royalty who led the armies of Egypt to victory.
- **Duamutef**, one of the four sons of Horus, protected the canopic jar containing the stomach of the deceased. Duamutef was depicted as a man with a canine head, either a jackal or a dog. Duamutef was also a god of healing and regeneration.
- **Khenti-Amentiu**, an early underworld god, was depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head. Khenti-Amentiu was the foremost of the Westerners who ruled over the dead in Abydos. Khenti-Amentiu was later assimilated with Osiris, the god of resurrection and fertility.
- **Sopdu**, a god of the eastern border and the sky, was depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head. Sopdu was the lord of the east who guarded Egypt from foreign invaders. Sopdu was also a god of light and heat, who represented the morning star.
Dogs in ancient Egypt were more than just animals. They were partners, helpers, protectors, and friends. They were also symbols, offerings, and representatives of the gods. The ancient Egyptians recognized their value and showed their affection for them in various ways. The dog was then, as now, man's best friend.
Find out more about Pharaoh’s favorite dog in this video below:
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