Mindful Living

Mindful Living

Mindful Living

The ancients believed that the mind and body contain deep, inner worlds. They also believed that what exists on the inside is reflected on the outside. This is evidenced in the state of our health, our relationships, our work, as well as in the overall patterns and paths of our lives. There’s a type of wisdom that can only be found through self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-improvement - a wisdom which can be used to uncover the roots of what’s not working in our lives so that we can effect positive change. It's something that can only be accessed when we slow down, look within ourselves, seek to align with our inner moral compass, and strive to genuinely improve. Gandhi said, “As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the Divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is, and the source of our happiness.” With the understanding that everything is cyclically inter-connected, it is also true that what's on the outside affects what is on the inside. Thus, we should be mindful of our surroundings, environment, and what we take in - for these will surely impact what lies within. Mindful Living will explore both of these worlds - the internal and the external. We'll delve into a variety of lifestyle topics - from good health & healthy eating (with some occasional splurges!), to wellness, our mind and thoughts, relationships, ancient wisdom, history & culture, our living environments, connection to the Divine, the seen and the unseen, and more - all with the purpose of nurturing the best in ourselves. So join us on this journey... Welcome to Mindful Living! We’re glad you’re here.