AT4(AT-4)是瑞典紳寶波佛斯動力(Saab Bofors Dynamics)生產的一種單發式單兵反戰車武器,它取代了美國和北約武器庫內的M72 LAW火箭筒。紳寶集團在AT4的銷售上取得了頗為顯著的成功,使它成為世界上最為普遍的反戰車武器之一。該武器的設計是希望使步兵單位有能力去摧毀或癱瘓他們所遇到的裝甲部隊和防禦工事,不過它對於擊毀現代主力戰車不是很有效。AT4的發射筒和火箭彈在製造後會先行組裝好成為整套,發射筒用後即丟。AT4的名稱來自於彈頭口徑尺寸的英文讀音「Eighty-four」。
The AT4 is a Swedish 84 mm (3.31 in) unguided, man-portable, single-shot, disposable, recoilless smoothbore anti-tank weapon built by Saab Bofors Dynamics (previously Bofors Anti-Armour Systems and before that FFV Ordance).[unreliable source?] Saab has had considerable sales success with the AT4, making it one of the most common light anti-tank weapons in the world. The M136 AT4 is a variant used by the United States Army.The name AT4 is a word play on the 84 mm caliber of the weapon, (84) 'eighty four' being a homophone of 'A-T-4'. The name also doubles as an alpha-phonetic word play on the weapon's role due to "AT" being a common military abbreviation for "Anti-Tank".The name was created for export purposes as the nickname "eighty-four" already was a common English nickname for the Carl Gustaf 8.4cm recoilless rifle after its caliber.