音樂的美 反映人心的善 兩者合二為一 音樂的意義不是娛樂 而是教化人心
✅淨泉音樂保留所有版權 All rights reserved
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Thank you all for subscribing to the 「Jingquan Music」 channel.
Your support means the world to me, and I am deeply honored and grateful.
Recently, some audience who appreciate my music have asked how they can download music from the 「Jingquan Music」channel.
I’m pleased to inform you that subscribers of 「Jingquan Music」are exclusively granted access to download the music from this channel.
✅ Subscription Benefits:
Subscribers may use the music for: Personal media projects, non-commercial video background music only.
❌ Prohibited actions: Without prior authorization, redistribution, reproduction, or commercial use in any form is strictly prohibited.
❌ Prohibited Actions:
No Re-uploading: You are strictly prohibited from downloading and re-uploading the music on any platform, including your own websites or social media channels.
No Alteration: You are not allowed to change the cover image, alter the content, or distribute it as new material.
No Commercial Use: Any form of unauthorized reproduction, redistribution, or commercial use of my music without prior written permission is strictly forbidden.
👉 All original music from the 「Jingquan Music」channel remains the exclusive copyrighted property of Jingquan Music.
👉 Any infringement of these terms will be subject to legal action under copyright law.
❤️感謝支持淨泉音樂頻道/Thank you all for your support
✅ https://www.joankingmusic.com/