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Composer: Jakob Frančišek Zupan (1734-1810)
Work: Missa ex C
Performers: lrena Baar (soprano); Sabira Hajdarévic (alto); Marjan Trcek (tenor); Zoran Potocan (bass); MPZ Te Deum Choir; Komorni Orkester SIovenicum; MiIko Bizjak (organ)
Drawing: Anonymous - Ljubljana City square (c.1820)
Image in high resolution: https://flic.kr/p/2kRRvwx
Further info: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Irena-Baar/dp/B00I1RONCK
Listen free: No available
Jakob (Jacobo) Francisek (Franc) Zupan [Suppan]
(Schrötten, nr Hengsberg, 27 July 1734 - Kamnik, 11 April 1810)
Slovenian composer. In 1749 he was mentioned in the register of the Jesuit University in Graz. In 1757 he went to Kamnik near Ljubljana as a music teacher and by 1773 he was referred to as Civis chori regens. He is likely to have taken part in the activities of the Accademische Confoederation Sanctae Caeciliae, a church music society which existed at Kamnik between 1731 and 1784. Some time during the 1780s he wrote the opera Belin, which would make it the first opera of its kind in Slovene, and among the first to be written in any Slavonic language. Zupan’s surviving works show that he was close to the style of the mid-18th-century South German School of church music. #ClassicalMusic
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