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# Door casing
#how to tile
#Roofing & siding Materials
#city inspection
#How to Install Flooring
#insulation & soundproofing
#wiring Install
#rough in
#tyvek & Blueskin
#heating system
#Drop ceiling
#curbless bathroom
#concrete floor
#Structural Design
#time lapse
#Back filling
#How to Build a House in Vancouver
#Tree removal permit
#House Demolition
#Asbestos Removal
The City’s Tree Protection Bylaw No. 8057 generally prohibits the cutting or removal of any tree larger than 20 cm (7-7/8 inches) in diameter at breast height (dbh - measured at 1.4m or 4'7" above the ground) without a permit.
列治文政府《树木保护法》规定:直径超过20厘米(7-7/8英寸),离地高度超1.4米(4'7"英尺)的树木砍伐,需要向市府申请Tree removal permit获批后方可行动,否则将被罚款$10000每颗,并补种相应尺寸树木。
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