16 thg 8, 2024
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3 phút đọc

Alabama Secretary of State Discovers Thousands of Illegals Registered to Vote in November’s Presidential Election

Alabama Secretary of State Discovers Thousands of Illegals Registered to Vote in November’s Presidential Election

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen has uncovered over 3,000 non-citizens illegally registered to vote, raising concerns about election integrity ahead of November’s presidential election.

By yourNEWS Media Newsroom

In a shocking revelation, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen has discovered that over 3,000 illegal voters were registered on the state’s voter rolls. This discovery follows Secretary Allen’s directive to remove all non-citizens from the election database, a necessary measure to ensure the integrity of the upcoming presidential election.

During a thorough review, state officials identified 3,251 individuals with alien registration numbers who were registered to vote in Alabama, a clear violation of federal law. The U.S. Constitution and federal statutes explicitly state that only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote in federal elections, making the presence of non-citizens on the voter rolls both illegal and deeply concerning.

BREAKING: The Alabama Secretary of State just discovered THOUSANDS of non-citizens registered to vote in November's election

“We got the information, we cross-checked it with our centralized data files here in the state of Alabama and found those 3,200 individuals,” – Secretary… pic.twitter.com/d92Wry7wKi

— George (@BehizyTweets) August 15, 2024

Secretary Allen’s swift action to purge these non-citizens from the voter rolls is a critical step in upholding the sanctity of the electoral process. However, this discovery raises serious questions about how such a significant breach of voter registration protocols occurred in the first place.

Reports from WAFF indicate that the exact method by which these individuals were able to register remains unclear. However, there are growing concerns that Democrat and Biden-administration-funded NGOs may have played a role in facilitating these registrations. These organizations are reportedly providing instructions and collecting registrations for illegal aliens who have recently crossed the border. Additionally, non-citizens have been able to obtain registration forms at welfare and other government assistance offices in at least 46 states, according to the NY Post.

The NY Post further reports that “every state but North Dakota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and Wyoming gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots federal voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.” This loophole, combined with the lack of a requirement for proof of U.S. citizenship on federal voting forms, has allowed millions of migrants to potentially register to vote illegally.

The situation in Alabama not only violates federal law but also threatens the foundational principles of the American democratic process. The fact that such a large number of non-citizens were able to infiltrate the voting system casts doubt on the legitimacy of votes cast and the overall integrity of the elections.

It is imperative that non-citizens found to have registered to vote illegally face the appropriate legal consequences, including potential deportation for their crimes. Allowing individuals who have violated federal law to remain in the country without facing repercussions undermines the rule of law and sends a dangerous message that such illegal actions have no real consequences.

Furthermore, the operatives behind this subversion of the electoral process must be held accountable. Their actions not only undermine the integrity of elections but also pose a significant threat to the nation’s democratic institutions. Ensuring that these anti-American activities are met with the appropriate legal response is essential to preserving the rule of law and the integrity of the nation’s elections.


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