May 2, 2023
9 mins read
9 mins read

Top 10 dumbest animals in the world

Top 10 dumbest animals in the world

In the animal kingdom, apparently IQ level doesn't really seem to be a big deal. It's interesting to note that animals can also exhibit some pretty bizarre and foolish behaviors, just like us humans.

In this article, we're gonna check out some animals that might not have been blessed with the greatest intellect or do stuff that puts their whole species at risk. Here are the top 10 dumbest animals in the world.

1. Panda


Despite being carnivores, this rarest bear species prefers eating plants and not animals. Many people are captivated by this creature's lovely, cute appearance without knowing that they belong to the group with the lowest intelligence in the world.

Pandas are lazy, even have limited sexual ability, only have the ability to mate once a year, and don't even know they are pregnant. They have a poor record of raising and caring for their young, which could make them extinct soon. Killing screaming cubs or crushing cubs while sleeping is common in the world of this bear. This makes it the dumbest animal in the world. They are also one of the most endangered animals.

2. Turkey


Turkeys can't help but stare uncontrollably at the sky, even when it's raining, sometimes causing their deaths. This behavior can be attributed to their preference for drinking rainwater; some suffer from a genetic disorder, tetanic torticollar spasms.

If you happen to come across a turkey bathing in the rain, do not be surprised because this is a very normal hobby of this animal. Turkeys do not have enough intelligence to distinguish between rain and shine, having to look up at the sky for about 30 seconds to realize what is happening to them.

Not only that, but the turkey's brain also always makes silly mistakes, especially with couples. Males cannot distinguish their mates; just a fake turkey head can fool the rooster, and you will witness the turkey's erotic dance immediately.

Turkeys are very easily fooled due to their poor identification.

3. Ostrich


As ostriches cannot fly, they run at high speeds to avoid their predators. If they cannot outrun their enemy, they use their strong legs to kick at them. If all this fails, they flop to the ground with their heads and necks outstretched. The neck and head color blends with the ground creating an illusion that they are stuck. But the largest, flightless bird on earth thinks it is invisible to its predator and therefore makes it to this list.

4. Sloth


Few animals are as slow and stupid as the sloth. No wonder they have a place on the list of the dumbest animals in the world.

Sloths move very slowly, even if faced by predators. They spend most of their time sleeping in the nearby trees but never defecate. Every week, they descend to the ground to excrete and again climb up. Mistaking their own limbs for tree branches often causes them to fall to their deaths. All these contribute to them being labeled dumb.

5. Koala


This adorable animal has the smallest brain of all mammals known to man, accounting for only 2% of its body weight. Remarkably, this brain is not only extremely small in proportion, it is also extremely modest in weight: It weighs only about 19.2g and occupies only about 60% of the skull, and is exceptionally "flat".

These adorable creatures can be found in Australia. The koala mainly feeds on low-nutrient eucalyptus leaves that are difficult to digest, even with its four stomachs! Having no sense of hygiene makes it a carrier of diseases, mainly, Chlamydia. They may even starve to death if they are unable to find their preferred food.

6. Kakapo


The Kakapo is a species of parrot native to New Zealand in the Strigopoidea superfamily, a large, clumsy parrot owl. Parrots are considered one of the most intelligent animals in the world. However, the Kakapo is one of the 10 stupidest animals in the world. It froze in fear when it spotted a predator and didn't try to run away, waiting to be a meal.

Plus, it is a poor breeder. The male emits a disturbing mating call that leaves the female confused and dazed. No one seems to have any idea of what's going on or what to do. Not surprisingly, there are less than 200 kakapos on the earth as of 2020.

7. Cane Toad


Cane toads are widespread throughout many regions, including Northern Australia, South America, and mainland Central America. They have long been considered to be extremely foolish creatures. It is the biggest toad in the entire planet, and it eats both live and dead things. And it's not just about their meals.

Cane toads are known for their aggressive behavior and are often seen engaging in physical activities with both living and dead creatures, including rats, lizards, and snakes. They appear to have a strong desire for physical intimacy. Despite this behavior, it is unclear how their actions contribute to the propagation of the species, especially since female cane toads are highly fertile and capable of laying up to 30,000 eggs at once.

8. Japanese Land Snail

Giant African snail / Invasive Species of Japan

Most snails hide in their shells to evade danger. It is not so with the Japanese snail, as it leaves its shell to throw it to its predator as an act of defense. But can you imagine what happens if it misses its

9. Killdeer


The stupid bird rushes around, screaming its call, attracting the attention of its predators. When approached by its enemy, instead of running away, it stands still and bobs up and down as if having hiccups. The killdeer also builds its nest on the ground, making itself easy prey.

10. Lilac-breasted Roller


The beautiful lilac-breasted roller is one of the dumbest animals on the earth due to its inclination towards tall perches, even in places that are not its nesting sites. It doesn't try to escape or flee even when someone comes very close to it, making it easily available to poachers.

You can see more in the video below:

The end./
