Jan 1, 2024
12 mins read
12 mins read

The Xia Dynasty of the Origin of China

The Xia Dynasty of the Origin of China

Legend has it that after the Yellow Emperor, there were three very famous leaders of the tribal alliance, one named: "Yao", the leader of the ancient Chinese tribal alliance. His surname is Yiqi and his name is Fangxun. "Yao" is his posthumous name.

One named: "Shun" the leader of the ancient Chinese tribal alliance. The surname is Yao. It is said that the eyes have double pupils and the name is "Chonghua".

The Xia Dynasty of the Origin of China

One is named: "Yu" with the surname Si, Xiahoushi, with the name Wenming. In the ancient times, the leader of the Xiahou clan, the founding king of the Xia Dynasty, and a celebrity in the history of water control, he was known as the Great Yu, Emperor Yu, and Shen Yu in history.

The Xia Dynasty of the Origin of China

They were originally from a tribe and were successively elected as the leader of the tribal alliance.

In the early days of Yao's administration, there was no basic state system. The country was just a tribal union, which was very loose and not conducive to the unified management of the country. Therefore, after Yao accumulated a certain amount of administrative experience, he began to establish a national political system. One of the most important ones is Appointing officials according to various government affairs, for the first time in Chinese history, a more systematic political system was established, laying the foundation for the emergence of slavery countries.

In his later years, Yao set up a seat, and Shun succeeded him to the seat of the emperor.

Legend has it that the people in the Yao listened to the tribe were discussing that Shun was a savvy man, so they asked the people in the tribe to talk about Shun's deeds in detail.

Everyone told Yao what they had learned: Shun had a very confused father. People called him gaosou (which means blind old man). Shun's biological mother died early, and his stepmother had a bad heart. The younger brother born to the stepmother is named Xiang, who is extremely arrogant, but Fengsou spoils him very much. Shun, who lives in such a family, treats his parents and younger brother very well. Therefore, everyone thinks that Shun is a man of good morals.

Yao was very happy, and married his two daughters, Ehuang and Nuying, to Shun. In order to investigate Shun, he built a granary for Shun and gave him a lot of cattle and sheep. When Shun's stepmother and younger brother saw them, they were very jealous, so they tried to murder Shun together with Fengsou.

It is said that once, Feng Su asked Shun to repair the roof of the granary. When Shun climbed the ladder to the top of the warehouse, Suo put a fire underneath, trying to burn Shun to death. When Shun caught fire on the top of the warehouse, he tried to find a ladder to get down, but found that the ladder had been taken away. Fortunately, Shun carried two hats to cover the sun with him. Holding his hat in both hands, he spread his wings and jumped down like a bird. The hat floated in the wind, and Shun fell to the ground unharmed.

Not reconciled to failure, Suo and Xiang told Shun to go to clean the well. After Shun jumped down the well, Husuo and Xiang threw stones into the well on the upper face, trying to bury Shun in the well. But after Shun went down the well, he dug a passage at the side of the well, drilled out of the passage, and went home safely. Feng Sou tried to kill Shun several times, but shouldn't he be desperate to think that he should let it go. This man has a destiny.

From then on, Fengsou and Xiang did not dare to murder Shun again. Shun still treated his parents and younger brother with the same kindness as before. According to legend, Shun became famous when he was 20 years old, and he was known for his filial piety. Because of his filial piety to his parents who abused and persecuted him, he was praised in his youth.

After listening to everyone's introduction, Yao made a further investigation of Shun, and believed that Shun was indeed a person whom everyone expected, so he gave up the position of leader to Shun. This way of giving way is historically called "concession".

After Shun became the leader, he was frugal and hardworking, participating in labor with the common people, and everyone trusted him. After Yao died twenty-eight years later, Shun wanted to cede the position of leader of the tribal alliance to Yao's son, Dan Zhu, but was unanimously opposed by everyone. Shuncai officially became the leader of the tribal alliance. After Shun succeeded Yao as the leader of the tribal alliance, he found that Gun was negligent in his work, so he killed Gun and asked Gun's son, Dayu, to manage the flood.

Yu learned his father's lesson and adopted the method of dredging, leading the people to open canals, dredge rivers, build water conservancy projects, and irrigate farmland.

Legend has it that during the thirteen years that Dayu ruled the waters, he had passed his home three times without entering. He kept thinking that the people were still suffering from the flood, the crops were flooded, the houses were destroyed, so he passed the house three times and never walked into the house to take a look. Together with thousands of people, he dredged many rivers, let the flood water pass through the rivers, and finally flowed into the sea. The flood finally receded, the venomous snakes and beasts were driven away, and the people moved their homes back. The people cultivated on the flooded land, agricultural production gradually recovered, and the people began to live and work in peace and contentment again.

After Shun was old, like Yao, he began to look for the leader of the tribal alliance. Dayu was chosen by Shun as his successor because of his merits in water control. Therefore, after Shun's death, Dayu succeeded the leader of the tribal alliance. Under his governance, the tribe is peaceful and Kyushu is stable. Later, Dayu ordered the people to cast the Jiuding, a symbol of peace in Kyushu. At this time, with the development of productivity, surplus of social products appeared. The leaders of those clans and tribes used their power to take the surplus products as existing, and the clan communes that existed in the form of public ownership began to collapse.

After Dayu's death, Boyi, the leader of Dongyi, the heir chosen by Dayu, refused to accept it. Later, the nobles of the Xia tribe where Yu belonged, adopted Yu's son Qi as the leader of the tribal alliance. Qi established the Xia Dynasty, the first slavery country in Chinese history, and since then created the hereditary system of son and stepfather.

Tushan Meeting

Because Dayu was able to control the waters and gained the support of the people and was sealed in Xia, his tribe was called Xia. In his later years, Shun summoned the leaders of the tribes and asked them to recommend the heirs of the leaders of the tribal alliance. Everyone unanimously recommended Yu, so Shun succumbed to the sky and established Yu as his heir. Later, Shun went on a cruise to the south, and unfortunately died of illness when he reached Cangwu Mountain, and was buried in the nearby Jiuyi Mountain.

Dayu took the throne in Yangcheng and became the leader of the tribal alliance. He set the capital in Yangcheng, and then moved to Anyi

At that time, there was the Sanmiao tribe in the south, and they continued to develop northward and became a serious threat to the Huaxia tribe. Both Yao and Shun once led the army to fight against Sanmiao. Yao defeated San Miao in Danshui and forced San Miao to seek peace. In order to conquer Sanmiao, Shun actively developed production while consolidating the internal unity of the tribal alliance and training soldiers. After three years of preparation, Shun personally conquered Sanmiao and fought until now around Dongting Lake, defeating Sanmiao, but Sanmiao's strength was still very strong, and he wanted revenge from time to time.

When Yu arrived, a major earthquake occurred in the Sanmiao area, and Yu decided to take the opportunity to attack Sanmiao. Before the expedition, Yu solemnly worshipped God and ancestors, praying for blessings. He said during the mobilization of the oath: "Sanmiao disrespects ghosts and gods, abuses punishment, and acts against God's will. God is now ordering us to crusade against it." The battle was fierce. Suddenly, the battle was fierce. Thunder and lightning were on the battlefield. The Sanmiao army was killed by a chaotic arrow, and the army was defeated. Yu took the opportunity to lead the army to counterattack, and the Sanmiao army was defeated. From then on, the Sanmiao tribe declined and began to pay tribute to Yu to express surrender. According to Shun's policy, Yu changed the customs of the Sanmiao tribe, and Sanmiao gradually merged with the Huaxia tribe. After conquering Sanmiao, Yu led troops to conquer the tribes that disobeyed the orders, such as Cao, Wei, Qu, Yu, and You Hu. They also won the victory and merged them with the Huaxia tribe.

At that time, there was a tribe headed by Gonggong in the northwest. The workers faced snakes and devoured grains and beasts to harm one party. After the death of Gong Gong, his minister Xiang Yao continued to do evil. Xiang You is a nine-headed snake-body monster. His vomiting foul will turn into a smelly swamp. People and wild beasts dare not live nearby. Dayu led the army to conquer Xiangyou and eliminate harm for the people. After Xiang You was killed, his blood flowed into a lake, which was extremely smelly. Where his filthy blood flows through, no grass grows. Yu digs and fills the soil many times, but the lake is like a bottomless pool, which can never be filled. Seeing this situation, the gods cast mana to suppress the evil spirits, make the lake clear, and the barren land becomes lush. Since then, the world has settled down.

Yu is very concerned about the suffering of the people. Whenever he saw poor people who were not clothed, food, and forced to sell their children and daughters, Yu always took out clothes and food to help them; seeing sinners serving their sentences in the wild, Yu always cried and asked them the reason for their crimes. Yu often reflected on his own administrative gains and losses, and used Yao and Shun as models.

In order to invite talented people to help him govern the world, Yu looked around and visited the country of Heifang in the east of Took Valley and Qingqiu, the country of Jiaozhi in the south, the country of the plume and naked people in Jiuyang Mountain, and Sanwei in the west. The country and the first arm of the country, the north has been to the Renzheng country, the dog Rong country, the Kua father country, and the Yuqiang country.

Later, in order to strengthen his authority, Yu often traveled around the world and met the princes. The Tushan Conference was an important meeting in which Yu ordered the Quartet as the emperor. After Yu arrived at Tushan (also known as Dangtu Mountain, near Bengbu, present-day Anhui), he ordered the leaders of the Huaxia and Siyi tribes to gather at Tushan within a specified time. The leaders of the tribe rushed to see Yu in an endless stream.

In order to show that he was entrusted to the sky, Yu held a grand ceremony to sacrifice to heaven and earth, let the band play music of the Xia ethnic group, and ordered soldiers to perform dances with weapons in hand, praising his merits and showing military might to the princes. The leaders of all tribes attended the meeting. Express surrender. Yu named those untitled tribal leaders as princes Fang Bo and ordered them to pay tribute every year. In order to commemorate this grand event, Yu cast the copper tribute from the leaders of various tribes into nine large tripods. The tripods were cast with patterns of mountains, rivers, roads, birds, animals, and vegetation, symbolizing Kyushu under his rule as the treasure of the town. The Tushan Conference was an attempt by Yu to unify the world. Fangfeng, the leader of the Dongyi tribe, was killed by Yu because he was late (in one case, he was killed at the Kuaiji Conference). At the Tushan Meeting, Yu demonstrated his superb political talents, which convinced the princes and strengthened their centripetal force towards Xia. The Tushan Meeting paved the way for Xia to abolish the renunciation system and move towards hereditary system.

Yu reigned for 45 years and was buried in Kuaiji Mountain after his death. His son Qi killed Boyi, the heir to the leader of the tribal alliance recommended by the leaders of various tribes, broke the meditation system, created a hereditary system, and established the first dynasty in Chinese history---Xia Dynasty.

If you want to know what the Xia Dynasty is like, let's listen to the decomposition next time.