Jul 28, 2023
14 mins read
14 mins read

The battle of Julu

The battle of Julu

To pull the mountain out of the world, the time will never pass away. How can it be forever, how can it be! A line of Gai Xia Song Dao is unwilling to the king's heart. There were hundreds of battles in a lifetime, birth to death, and the classic example of "bringing soldiers to cross the river, sinking ships, breaking the cauldron, burning the house, holding three days of food, to show that the soldiers must die, and no one will return", thus defeating the Qin army and resurrecting the dead. The classic case of killing more than 100,000 soldiers with 30,000 soldiers and forcing Liu Bang to escape dozens of horses.

The Battle of Julu

The evaluation of Xiang Yu has been mixed in history. In "Historical Records", Sima Qian said, "Although the position is not end, it has never existed since ancient times." The translation is that although there is no final conclusion about the position of (his emperor), it is also a character that has never existed in modern times! In Li Qingzhao's opinion, Xiang Yu was the dragon and phoenix among people when he was alive. Even if he died, he was also a great hero among ghosts. This is a very high evaluation of Xiang Yu. Others say that although brave and invincible, they are simple-minded and brave, and they will not use people if they are too suspicious. Han Xin Zeng Jin was Xiang Yu's subordinate. Xiang Liang was defeated and returned to Xiang Yu's clan, but Xiang Yu's inability to employ personnel eventually led to Han Xin being persuaded by Xiao He to be converted to Liu Bang's clan. Regardless of what future generations think of Xiang Yu here. But in my heart, he will always be the overlord of the West Chu, facing Liu Bang, he kept his promise and named him the king of Han, and couldn't bear to kill him at the Hongmen Banquet. In Wujiang, he let his soldiers unarmed and returned to the field, but faced the Han army alone. In the end, in order to let his fellow brothers who betrayed him can enjoy Liu Bang's reward, he let Lu Matong cut off his head to receive the reward. There are flesh and blood who dare to love and hate, and dare to reach thousands of people with the strength of one person. This courage is enough to make me surrender.

Feeling a little excited, let me calm down and enter today's theme. The Battle of Julu, this is also the most classic battle in Xiang Yu's life in which he won more with less. Before talking about the battle of Julu, the old rules will tell you the background and impact of the occurrence.

Time of occurrence: 208-207 BC Location: Julu (now Pingxiang County, Hebei).

Participants' strength: 400,000 princes in the Qin Army and 100,000 in the Allied Forces (Xiang Yu, 50,000 in the Chu Army).

Main commanders: Qin Jun Zhang Han, Wang Li Chu Jun: Xiang Yu

The cause of the war: Qin II Hu Hai's tyranny in power led to peasant uprisings

The fuse of the war: the Qin army besieged the State of Zhao, and the princes sent troops to reinforce.

The result of the war: the Qin army was defeated by Xiang Yu and captured Wang Li and forced landing on Zhang Han

War influence: The Battle of Julu was a huge victory in the Peasant War at the end of Qin Dynasty. It basically destroyed the main force of the Qin army, reversed the entire battle, and laid the foundation for victory in the anti-Qin struggle. After this battle, the Qin Dynasty has survived in name only.

The Battle of Julu

Before talking about the Battle of Julu, let's briefly introduce Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu is the grandson of Xiang Yan of Chu State. When Qin Shihuang destroyed the Six Kingdoms, the Chu Kingdom was defeated, and Xiang Yan was killed by Wang Jian. After the fall of Chu State, Xiang Yu and his younger brother Xiang Zhuang went into exile with his uncle Xiang Liang to Wu County (now Suzhou, Jiangsu). Xiang Yu was also a middle-two teenager when he was young. Xiang Liang taught him to read since he was a child, but Xiang Yu didn't get tired after learning it for a long time. Then he taught him martial arts, but he didn't learn it for a long time. Xiang Liang was furious! So Xiang Yu retorted: "Reading can be used to remember names, but learning martial arts can only be able to beat one person, so you have to learn to learn thousands of enemies!" This made Xiang Liang feel happy that his nephew is ambitious and worthy of having a big pupil. (Here, double pupil means that there are two pupils in the eyes, which is also called paired eyes. It is caused by the deformity of the pupils, which has no effect on vision. Now it is called polypupilism), so Xiang Liang taught him the art of war. But after studying for a while, he was reluctant to learn, Xiang Liang had to follow him and ignore him.

In the autumn of the first year of Qin II (209 BC), under the oppression of the tyranny of Hu Hai and Zhao Gao, the people of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Guang Zexiang rebelled against the tyranny of Qin. Originally, the people of various countries were under the pressure of Qiang Qin. Although they surrendered for a while, they could not conceal the pain of destroying the country in their hearts. From time to time, the flames of homesickness and anti-Qin popped up in their hearts. Coupled with the tyranny of Qin II. A group of people with lofty ideals all over the world should rise from their hometowns. Zhao, Chu, Yan, Wei, Qi and other countries have revived one after another. For a while, the world has returned to the era of war. After a brief period of reunification, the Qin State quickly fell into a fragmented situation.

The Battle of Julu

In October of that year, Xiang Liang Miyi was found in the prefect of Huiji County and said, "Dong Liang, you see that under the violent pressure of the Qin Dynasty, both the north and the south of the Yangtze River have turned upside down. I don't want to be tied to the broken ship of Qin Chao and drown. I think of the soldiers rebelling, led by you and Heng Chu, to respond to the anti-Qin. What do you think?"

Countless thoughts flashed in Xiang Liang's mind at this time: Anti-Qin? Still not counter? The general trend of the world is indeed like this, but it is not appropriate to follow a small county guard against Qin. I think I am a descendant of Xiangyan from the state of Chu. Replace it. Then led the troops against Qin!

The Battle of Julu

After the decision was made, Xiang Liang put on a flattered expression and said, "Sir, the county guard is so showing love, how can I ignore it, but now Hengchu is running away, and I can't find where they are for a while. Let's do this. My nephew Xiang Yu is a good friend with him. I called him to ask, maybe he knows where he is." Xiang Liang went to find Xiang Yu with the permission of the county guard, and after asking Xiang Yu's ear, he asked Xiang Yu to carry the sword. Wait at the door. Walked into the room and took a seat again. Xiang Liang said to the county guard, "Master county guard, I found Xiang Yu. He is outside the door now. See if you can let him in and report to you." The county guard hurriedly summoned Xiang Yu in. After entering, Xiang Liang observed that there were no other people around and winked at Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu immediately drew out the sword and stabbed the county guard. The poor county guard was slashed by Xiang Yu before he could react. Xiang Liang asked Xiang Yu to chop off the head of the county guard. He hung the stamp of the county guard around his neck and carried the head of the county guard. Seeing this, Xiang Yu drew out the sword again without fear, shouted, and rushed forward with the sword. Anyone who did it would be a sword. There was a corpse on the ground, and the sword was stained with blood. Xiang Yu didn't have a hint of intolerance or pity in his heart at this time, and shouted, "Who else is there." When everyone saw this, they threw their swords and knelt down to beg for mercy. Seeing this, Xiang Liang nodded his head in satisfaction, and said to everyone, "Qin State is tyranny, the people are miserable, and the people are not living. So I decided to rebel. You are usually my friends. If you want to, you will join me. If you don't want to. Tell my nephew Xiang Yu that I will let him return home." Everyone saw the corpse on the ground and no one dared to say no. In this way, Xiang Liang established himself as the governor of Ji County, and Xiang Yu as a general. Xiang Yu, another figure in the history of the end of Qin Dynasty, appeared on the stage.

The Battle of Julu

After the success of the uprising, Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu led eight thousand soldiers from Jiangdong to cross the Yangtze River to attack the core area of ​​Qin rule. After the Dazexiang Uprising, Chen Sheng, who claimed to be the King of Chu, died in the attack of the Qin Army. His subordinate Qin Jia established himself as Dasima in Pengcheng and supported the descendant of Chu as Jing Ju as the King of Chu. At this time Xiang Liang believed that Jing Ju, the King of Chu, was unreasonable and sent troops to attack Qin Jia. Qin Jia died in the war, and Jing Ju also fled to the field. After annexing Qin Jia's army, Xiang Liang listened to Fan Zeng's suggestion and found the fourth generation Sun Xiongxin of the Chu Huai King among the people and became the King of Chu. So as to obey the wishes of the people.

In the second year of Qin II (208 BC), Xiang Liang was besieged and killed by Qin Jun Zhanghan in Dingtao. Xiang Yu was attacking elsewhere. After hearing the news of his uncle's death in battle, Xiang Yu immediately retired and saved part of the Chu army's strength. After Zhang Han defeated Xiang Liang, he believed that the Chu army was incompetent, and that the great reduction in strength could no longer pose too much threat, so he sent troops to extradite the Yellow River to attack the State of Zhao and join Wang Li. Formed a siege of Zhao State and besieged Zhao State in Julu City.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Xiong Xin knew that if the Qin Army destroyed the State of Zhao, it would in turn attack the State of Chu again. At that time, the power of the Qin Army would be even stronger, and it would be difficult for him to stop it. In order to keep the ally of the State of Zhao, the forward-looking Xiong Xinming Song Yiwei, general Xiang Yu, and the second general Fan Zengwei, led the Chu army with 50,000 yuan to rescue the State of Zhao. Yan, Qi, Wei and other forces also participated in this war. The Chu army supporting the State of Zhao is divided into two parts, one is the main force led by Song Yi Xiang Yu, and the other is led by Liu Bang.

After Song Yi arrived in Anyang, he ordered the army to be stationed, and after a few days there was no action. At this time, Zhao Wangxie looked forward to the reinforcements like a long drought and rain, but Song Yi watched the sunset in Anyang leisurely. Upon seeing this situation, Xiang Yu was very dissatisfied with Song Yi and reprimanded, "I want to go west, but you did not let me go, but let me go north. Now I have listened to your suggestion and go north, but you just stayed here and stayed here. Fighting and not fighting, retreating and not retreating, is what you want." At this time, Song Yi smiled and said to Xiang Yu, "Nphew, don't panic, you said that the gadfly is not so powerful, and the bullflies have nothing to do, but But there is no way to get lice. Qin is like a gadfly, and Zhao is like a lice. Qin wants to win Zhao Guo in one breath. If Qin really defeats Zhao, then Qin's soldiers must be exhausted by that time. At that time, we will take the opportunity to attack. If the Qin State is defeated, it is better. I will directly lead my troops westward and destroy the Qin Dynasty in one fell swoop. This is called Yiyi waiting for work.” Xiang Yu thought that the Qin army itself was very powerful. If we win, we will be stronger, and by that time we will be more passive. Therefore, we must quickly advance with the Zhao Jun inside and outside to destroy the Qin army in a surprise attack. The two people who disagreed eventually broke up.

Xiang Yu returned to the camp and calmly thought that after the death of his uncle Xiang Liang, the general power of the Chu king was given to Song Yi, undoubtedly purposefully weakening the Xiang family that originally supported him as king, if Qi Jun and Qi Jun and The success of Chu Jun's reunion made the status of both Song Yi and the King of Chu even more unshakable. At that time, my influence in Chu Kingdom would plummet. No one would obey me at all. So I plan to take the risk and let it go. Use the most violent and most direct way to take back the rights that belonged to them. Song Yi refused to listen to the opinions, so Xiang Yu forcibly killed Song Yi, holding Song Yi's head to announce the change of power. Most of the Chu army was Xiang Liang's old department, and because of fear of Xiang Yu, he gave in and dared not resist. When the king of Chu heard that Song Yi was dead, he had no choice but to make Xiang Yu a general. Since then, no one has opposed Xiang Yu in the Chu army.

The Battle of Julu

In November of the third year of Qin II. Xiang Yu ordered General Yingbo and Pu to lead 20,000 horses, let them lead the army across the Yellow River, specifically destroying Wang Li's grain transportation channel. We all know that what we fight in war is logistical supplies and what we fight is food and grass, and Xiang Yu knows this very well. General Yingbo and General Pu were also powerful generals in the world. After they crossed the Yellow River, they appeared on both sides of the river channel dug in Zhanghan and did not harass the Qin army. All kinds of methods were used to destroy the food road in the end. Zhang Han ordered to pursue the Chu army after hearing that Liang Dao had been destroyed. General Yingbo and Pu were also powerful generals under Xiang Yu. Not only did they not get driven by Zhang Han, but they also led Zhang Han by the nose and repeatedly attacked successfully. , Forced Zhang Han to retreat.

Qin II third year in December. After learning that General Yingbo and Pu had successfully implemented the planned strategy, Xiang Yu immediately ordered the remaining 30,000 Chu army to cross the river. As soon as the army landed, Xiang Yu issued a very decisive order: scuttle the ship. All the cooking pots were smashed, leaving only three days of dry food for each person. Using the method of breaking the boat and sinking the boat, he forced himself to fight Qin Jun in a life-and-death battle. Either win or die. Xiang Yu successfully turned the soldiers from arrogance to despair, and from despair to fierceness. As the saying goes, the Chu army without logistical support can only choose to desperately, and the 30,000 Chu army swallows the mountains and rivers to attack the giant deer. The victorious Qin army has not seen such an opponent for many years. In this way, Xiang Yu and Wang Li fought back and forth in the nine battles, and finally the Qin army commander Wang Li was captured. Lieutenant Su Jiao was killed.

After Wang Li was defeated, Zhang Han saw that the general situation was gone, and Hu Hai's tyranny listened to Dong Yi's suggestion to carry Qin Jiangchu back. In the summer of Qin II's third year, Xiang Yu chose a very lucky day to hold a grand ceremony of accepting surrender and alliance on the south bank of Huan Shui. Zhang Han wailed as soon as he saw Xiang Yu, repented of his past actions and took all the charges against him. Pushed on Zhao Gao.

It took more than eight months for Zhang Han to surrender from the start of the Battle of Julu Lu, during which Xiang Yu became the leader of the anti-Qin princes by saving Zhao Kingdom and defeating the main force of the Qin army. The Anti-Qin War has thus entered a new stage, and at this time, the era when the heroes contend for the supremacy of the world is truly coming.

Xiang Yu