Apr 19, 2024
3 mins read
3 mins read

Sidney Powell Victorious as Democrat Judges Fail to Silence Her Legal Battle Against State Bar of Texas

Sidney Powell Victorious as Democrat Judges Fail to Silence Her Legal Battle Against State Bar of Texas
An appellate court decision in Dallas has fully vindicated Sidney Powell, a prominent attorney known for her strong legal efforts to challenge the fraudulent 2020 election on behalf of President Donald Trump.
The three-judge panel from the Fifth District of Texas Court of Appeals, all Democrats, unanimously determined that the arguments presented by the State Bar of Texas were lacking in merit.
“The Dallas Court of Appeals has affirmed the Texas state court’s dismissal of the Texas Bar’s case against Powell. After three years of litigation, the Court of Appeals held the Bar had no evidence Powell violated any disciplinary rule in filing four federal lawsuits in the aftermath of the 2020 election,” Sidney Powell’s Defending the Republic said in a statement.
The State Bar of Texas Commission for Lawyer Discipline complained to Powell, accusing her of breaching various Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct due to lawsuits she filed in late November 2020.
Powell gained significant media attention during that time for initiating multiple lawsuits challenging the certification of election results in crucial battleground states, where she famously promised to “unleash the Kraken” in her efforts to uncover election fraud.
Subsequently, the State Bar of Texas argued that Powell’s lawsuits were deemed ‘frivolous’ as they were founded on baseless claims of widespread election fraud. Furthermore, they alleged that Powell knowingly included “altered” evidence in her legal submissions.
Powell countered the allegations by stating that the documents were provided by other counsel in the case and any discrepancies were not directly caused by her. She claimed that any errors were unintentional, attributing them to the pressure of handling large volumes of legal filings.

During the review process, the appellate court carefully examined the case’s claims, evidence, and procedural history. It focused on scrutinizing how the Commission for Lawyer Discipline presented evidence in its summary judgment response.

The court identified various discrepancies and shortcomings in the Commission’s submissions, such as mislabeled exhibits and a lack of specific citations supporting their claims.

Upon review, the appellate court dismissed the Commission’s claim that Powell intentionally filed baseless lawsuits or provided false information in connection with the election cases.
The court noted a lack of proof showing that Powell was aware of the inaccuracies in her statements. Additionally, it concluded that the Commission did not sufficiently demonstrate violations of disciplinary rules related to dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.

In her written opinion for the court, Justice Dennise Garcia underscored the necessity of providing concrete and detailed evidence when asserting allegations in disciplinary matters.

“The Bar employed a ‘scattershot’ approach to the case, which left this court and the trial court ‘with the task of sorting through the argument to determine what issue ha[d] actually been raised,’” Justice Garcia wrote for the unanimous panel. “Having done so, the absence of competent summary judgment compels our conclusion that the Bar failed to meet its summary judgment burden.”

Wednesday’s ruling in Powell’s favor is a validation, yet the fight continues. Sidney Powell, a pro-Trump attorney, has agreed to a plea deal in the Georgia RICO case involving Trump to face lesser charges.

Dominion Voting has initiated a $1.3 billion lawsuit against Powell, who remains steadfast in her battle against allegations of election fraud.

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