Dec 28, 2023
14 mins read
14 mins read

School Uses “Gender Unicorn” To Indoctrinate Students

School Uses “Gender Unicorn” To Indoctrinate Students

The Gender Unicorn which was included in Missy Webster’s Sexual Education Class.


Wales, ME – This past fall in a town of roughly 1,600 people, Missy Webster, the Health & Wellness Teacher at RSU4’s Oak Hill High School sent home the class goals and objectives for the Sexual Education class.  These were the topics stated to be covered: “Health 1 – Basics of Health, Non-Communicable Diseases, Substance Abuse, Nutrition and Healthy Sexuality.  Health 2 – Mental Health, Stress Management, Infectious Disease, and Healthy Sexuality.”

Nowhere on the form did it state that she planned on brainwashing the students about “unicorns.”  The Gender Unicorn to be exact, the furthest thing from reality.

These stories about inappropriate classroom discussions and far-left political indoctrination are becoming more and more commonplace.  Librarians push sexuality on the door of the library.  School guidance counselors push gender on kindergarten students.  Teachers are resigning due to the “trangender dysphoria phenomenon.”  Teachers advocate for porn in schools.  Boys are allowed to dominate female athletics.  A LGTBQ-cult war flag is placed on the wall of the Spanish teacher’s room, encased in lights for all to see.  Communist China has even infiltrated our schools.  I have a hundred of these types of stories on my Maine Source Of Truth Facebook page and I talk about them each week on my podcast.  Yet, until a parent is hit upside the head with harm done to their child, they don’t ever think it can happen to them.

In an arduous process, students, parents, taxpayers and teachers are slowly beginning to fully understand how the local K-12 schools are brainwashing the students, with our tax dollars.  These examples are not hard to find.  The incremental push into the hyper-sexualization of your children over these last decades was once based on subtle, yet constant changes in the curriculum.  Now emboldened, the left has “dialed it up to 11.”  It’s absolute insanity and they are generally not hiding it anymore.

The common theme when a parent, or taxpayer raises a concern with the schools isn’t that they have over stepped their role, but for the school to double down.  For the feckless administrators like Oak Hill High School Principal Marco E. Aliberti (he/him) to move the complaint along the bureaucratic process, instead of taking accountability for his teacher’s actions.  For folks like RSU4 Superintendent Katherine Grondin to state that the course lessons are all in the Google classroom, parents just have to look harder, rather than heed the concerns of these same parents.

Schools double down and push the indoctrination even harder and move the parents out of the decision making process as given to them by the Fourteenth Amendment of The Constitution of the United States. 

I have been exposing the evils in the K-12 schools for three and a half years.  I have yet to find one school administrator who shows actual remorse for what they have done to our youth.  Maybe their initial response is one of horror, or shock, or disdain, but that’s before they “lawyer up.”  They then appear to have no ability to understand what to do to make it right going forward.  It’s as if they are devoid of a conscience and a soul.  They have no sense of concern, nor a sense of being transparent with those paying their salaries.

They especially don’t want these egregious items getting out to more parents because it is bad for business.  That’s why you never hear these stories in the state run, fake news outlets.  The fact is that return on investment in our schools has never been worse in our history.  The biggest business in your town is turning out a horrific product.  No other business could ever survive based on the absolute nosedive that our public K-12 schools have taken.  Hence why I inform all my readers to pull your kids out now, these government run schools are irreparably broken.

Some schools, like RSU4’s Oak Hill High School in Wales, ME have a blanket policy where parents can opt out of any lesson.  The issue however, is that the school is not being up front with parents to ever know what insane lessons they need to opt their children out of.  How can they opt their child out, if they are not properly informed?

Telling parents to look at the Google Classroom materials is really a weak response by Superintendent Grondin.  But weak leadership is par for the course.  The most educated, dumbest people in the land run your local schools.  People who generally have never been in a job where results meant something.

Parents in this particular area of Maine posted concerns on a private facebook group called, “RSU4 parents information page.”  Apparently, from what the school stated, the syllabus went home at the beginning of the 2023/24 fall school year.  It listed class expectations and has a spot for a parent’s signature.  It was to be signed and returned.  However, not many came back and clearly the school didn’t do its diligence in ensuring that each parent was aware of the incredibly divisive topics that were to be taught.  But, of course, the schools don’t want parents to know. School Uses “Gender Unicorn” To Indoctrinate Students Featured Opinion U.S. [your]NEWS

November 30th, 2023 post by RSU4 parent Patrick Redmond concerned about the inappropriate sexual discussions happening without parental permission.

Under the heading of Sex Ed the document states, “We will be talking about the male and female reproductive systems, healthy relationships, abstinence, pregnancy prevention, and communicable sexually transmitted diseases.”  This appears purposely vague.  The concerned parent who posted about it never saw this syllabus and confirmed they never signed, or returned the syllabus.  Even if they did, the paper didn’t accurately reflect the indoctrination efforts in this school.

The deeper you dive into the in class information, the more concerning it appears.  We have exposed several Maine schools wanting to keep secrets from parents and this school appears to be another.  Inside the class syllabus, Mrs. Webster states, “What happens in health, stays in health …”  Also known as, “Don’t tell your parents about what I’m going to groom you about sexually.”

“Our kids and their education is worth more than the money the school board takes from the state & federal funding programs and the parents/tax payers need their voices heard.” – Patrick Redmond, RSU4 parent 

Taxpayer paid public servants want to keep secrets from parents.  How that isn’t a claxon of alarms going off in your head as you read it, is beyond me.  Stop rolling the dice parents.  How someone in the education field could have the lack of integrity and lack of character to write such a thing is further mind-boggling.  But, they are not hiding their intentions anymore.

Mrs. Webster used terms such as, “Sex assigned at birth, Transgender, Non-Binary, Gender-Fluid and Cisgender” in her class teachings.  Of course, sex is never assigned at birth, it’s observed.  Transgender people don’t exist, just like unicorns don’t exist.  Cisgender is a slur used to describe normalcy and reality.  It’s also another idiotic term used by the left and parents need to understand all these divisive terms being used on your children.

It’s all a collaborative effort to normalize immorality and sexuality with minor students.  If you can get a minor to pick their pronouns, you can get a minor to pick their sexual partner, even if that sexual partner is a teacher. School Uses “Gender Unicorn” To Indoctrinate Students Featured Opinion U.S. [your]NEWS

Teacher profile of Melissa Webster, Health and Wellness Teacher from the RSU4 website.

The lesson plan on “Sexual Health” is even more insane.  The goals of the lesson are to counter reality and critical thinking skills in young students.  It pushes students into “enjoying and embracing our sexuality…” even though Maine law states that schools must teach abstinence in sexual education class.  Instead, Mrs. Webster’s lesson states, “There is no wrong or right expression of sexuality.”  I guess things like beastiality, pedophilia, incest and rape are just fine with her and the school?

Schools are pushing radical sexual indoctrination on minors, with your tax dollars. 

Then comes The Gender Unicorn.  This graphic is provided by Trans Student Educational Resources and is not backed by any science, anywhere.  The lesson enables mental illness by approaching it with a cartoon representation of something that doesn’t exist.  See, that’s the hilarity of the situation, if it wasn’t so sick.  These types of lessons plant a seed in the child that they can define their own reality, instead of the reality we all live in.  There is only one reality and Mrs. Webster can’t grasp it.  She should not be teaching kids if she can’t understand reality.

The Gender Unicorn lesson begins to blur the line in the eyes of the students that “sex” and “gender” are the same.  They are not.  Sex is God given.  Gender is a group of 130 or more terms that have no meaningful reason to be used inside public schools.  Schools are allowing minor children to tell us what they think they are.  To self-diagnose.  They teach sexual narcissism and enable mental illness.  Ultimately, it is part of a Marxist initiative to divide the student from the parents, but let’s concentrate on the lesson at hand.

The Gender Unicorn cartoon-like character is designed to look innocent to children.  It has a chromosomal web where their private parts would be and a rainbow expression from the thought balloon.  It has two hearts.  This unicorn lesson walks students through self-selecting their gender identity, their gender expression, discusses sex assigned at birth, the gender they’re physically attracted to and the gender they’re allegedly emotionally attracted to.

It offers a sliding scale so the student can be all over the map.  Each option includes not only categories such as women/men and feminine/masculine but also “other genders”  and even includes “intersex.”  Intersex being the .01% of births where a child has genatal defects.  This evil recreation of a cartoon is all open to interpretation by the student.  It is not biology and it is not reality.  It’s idiocy.

The lesson plan includes things such as that a “person’s internal concept of self as male, female, a blend of both, or neither; can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth.”  It’s really easy folks, any parent who has witnessed their child’s birth will tell you, sex is not “assigned at birth” it is observed.  It’s either an “innie,” or an “outie.”  But these lessons are nothing more than pure evil incarnate.  Students going through puberty are already confused as to how their bodies are changing and their urges are raging, but now they are told they can be whatever they think they can be.

The lesson of “you can be whatever you put your mind to” has devolved into hyper-sexualization behind the brick walls of the public K-12 schools.  

The reality is that this is a road that parents often have no idea is being pushed at their local school on their children.  Even children with a firm moral, or religious foundation often fall victim to the constant and overreaching sexual indoctrination.  Sometimes it only takes a 3 hour after school “art club” meeting to sexually transition your child.  Think it won’t happen to your child?  Think again. School Uses “Gender Unicorn” To Indoctrinate Students Featured Opinion U.S. [your]NEWS

The reality of The Gender Unicorn is the Gender Eunuchorn.  A lifelong Big Pharma cash cow.

Follow the money.  But most of these useful idiots teaching your kids don’t even understand the massive grift they are a part of.  The chemical castration drugs, the trans-surgeries, the mutilation of healthy body parts being hacked off children during surgery can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  They create a lifelong Big Pharma patient.  That is, if the child doesn’t kill themselves afterwards.  Post-surgery carries a nearly 20x greater chance of suicide based on the longest study ever done on the subject.  But these schools don’t really care about the kids.  It’s all about the money.

RSU4’s Mission Statement lists things such as using “data and research to drive decisions about curricula, professional development, educational programs, instruction and assessment.”  Furthermore, the RSU4’s “Portrait Of A Graduate” includes “Critical Thinking And Problem Solving” in its affinity wheel.

It breaks this down by stating that this goal is to “…skillfully analyze, assess and reconstruct…applying to disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded and informed by evidence.”  But that obviously means that the lesson plans provided by Mrs. Webster are all counter to these goals?  Seems like clear ethics violations to me and I hope someone holds her and the administration accountable.  I hope they are all fired.  They don’t deserve to be anywhere near students.

Parents, you must pull your kids from these schools.  In about one to two hours a day, you could be the worst homeschool parent in the state and do ten times better than these schools are doing.  If you can’t find the urgency in doing this and still believe that a school is necessary for your child, you have to get engaged.

You have to fight for your child’s education like their lives depend on it.  Because they do.  

Use the Freedom Of Access Act requests to gather the curriculum, or almost any public information you are looking for from the school.  Request school tours, or make sure you get to your school for parent teacher conferences and take note of the walls, the banners, the flags, the books being pushed on your child.  Go “get lost” down the hallways at a basketball game.

Opt your child annually out of every type of survey.  The Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey asks 7th graders, 11-12 year olds, if they have given blowjobs or not.  One has to wonder what was on the RSU4 surveys given to high school students?  You can FOAA for those surveys and the results.  I’d urge you to.  Opt your child out of all sexual education discussions.  Do not allow the school to have any one on one discussions with them, without you being there in person.  Even with the school guidance counselor, or a social worker.

You also really have to talk to your kids.  I mean really talk to them.  Not just the normal, “How was school today?”  But really diving into what they are studying.  What terms are their teachers using?  Who are your kids hanging out with?  What after school activities are they going to?  What are their emotions like at school?  Who’s picking on them and why?  Are any teachers spending a particularly odd amount of time with them?  Figure it out.

The RSU4 budget narrowly passed in the fourth attempt to ratify the $21.8 million dollar anchor with local voters this past fall.  Although this overall school budget was reduced substantially from the initial ask, the price tag still equates to about $17,000 per student.  Local taxpayers of the three towns of Lichfield, Sabattus and Wales eat about 45% of that, or $7,500 per pupil with their property tax burdens.  Maine schools are currently funded at a 55% percent rate from state and federal taxes, but understand, we are all paying for incompetence in our educational systems.  That funding is not “free money.”

That hefty cost to taxpayers and increased mill rate doesn’t even count the massive retirement benefits for teachers and school administrators that are housed in the State of Maine budget.  Factor all that in and it’s more like $25,000 per student, per year.  $100,000 a child just to get them through high school?  Pure insanity!

With increasing tax burdens on rural Maine, towns like Litchfield have considered breaking away from RSU4 due to financial and curriculum based disagreements.  They’ve formed an exploration committee to start the process.  This is a far cry from the goals of Regional School Units and Maine School Administrative Districts’s back in the day, which was to consolidate resources and save the taxpayers money.

These school districts have grown into behemoths and a $3 billion dollar industry in Maine, controlled by the MEA teachers unions, the Maine School Management Association, the Maine Principals Association and the Maine Department of Education and Governor Janet T. Mills.  They are all dirty.

As the Covid “Biden Bucks” dry up, Maine schools face a financial cliff as they pumped in dozens of unnecessary positions, while feeding from the tit of the federal taxpayers (again, all of us) and now they are scrambling to soothe the teacher union in holding onto these positions.  Many of which have been school guidance counselors and school social workers, which are also sexually transitioning your kids.  We’ve reported on it first hand.

It’s only $6,200 a year to send your kids to a private school such as Bangor Christian, just for a comparison.  So, taxpayers should ask, are we getting almost $20,000 per student better educational results in these K-12 public schools?  Of course not, in fact, Maine has had the worst academic assessments since keeping track of them starting in 1998.  Only one in three K-12 students in Maine can read at a proficiency rate that has steadily declined.  Only one in four K-12 students in Maine can perform math at proficiency rates.  The worst in our history as a state.

This generation will be the least educated group of young adults ever to “graduate” from high school.  Pull your kids now, so they have a chance to succeed.

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