Apr 23, 2023
4 mins read
4 mins read

How to Cure Shingles at Home - Quick and Easy

How to Cure Shingles at Home - Quick and Easy

Shingles are no joke. It is one of the challenging poxviruses. Because it's so long-lasting, it's extremely painful and very life-disrupting. However, it is possible to cure shingles by reducing your shingles outbreak length and the extent of your pain and minimizing the irritating and frustrating shingles rash.

The followings are 4 Ways to Naturally Treat Shingles Outbreaks at HOME - Quick, Easy & Fast:

1. Use apple cider vinegar

You can use Apple Cider Vinegar at the beginning of the tingle to greatly cut down the degree of blistering and then the volume, the extent of it on the body, and the number of blisters you're experiencing. You can use it in an outbreak to significantly minimize blistering effects. Then you can apply this in the latter phase when the blistering is starting to heal to boost the healing process. 

1.1. Apple cider vinegar is a potent topical remedy. Because of the nature of the pox virus, apple cider vinegar is excellent at minimizing the pH of the skin. And it can also help reduce the duration of the outbreak. Apply apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and slather the area liberally to topically deliver pH balancing to the skin and nutrients.

1.2. You can also take apple cider vinegar internally. You can take this during your outbreak, and you can also take this preventative. Drink 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with about a half-quarter to half a cup of water before meals. This will greatly minimize shingles impacts. 

1.3. Bathe with apple cider vinegar. A cup of apple cider vinegar for a nice warm bath is recommended. You can also add a cup of very mineral-rich magnesium and sulfur-rich Epsom salts to the apple cider vinegar bath. This promotes the healing process and minimizes the degree of the shingles outbreak.

2. Shingles Nosode: https://us.fullscript.com/product_car...

Shingles Nosode is equivalent to taking the shingles vaccine. You can take this during an outbreak and even take it when you aren't dealing with an outbreak. 


40 drops 5x a day during the outbreak

20 drops 2x a day during prevention/inactivity 

3. Super Lysine Plus Herbal Immune Support: https://amzn.to/2LCrdco

Lysine actually helps to minimize the occurrence of all poxviruses. This is impactful for chicken pox, herpes, and shingles. You can take three pills. This is a really good antiviral, and pox viruses lay dormant in our bodies. Super Lysine Plus taken daily, keeps your shingle inactive and boosts your immune system. 

4.  Therapeutic Baths  2:2 cup ratio of Epsom Salts & baking soda 

That is nourishing and healing baths. Take a soothing and relaxing bath at least twice a day, from 10 to 20 minutes. It is recommended to use equal parts 2 cups of Epsom salts and 2 cups of baking soda. What you're going to get is an altering pH balance bath. The soothing minerals and soothing nutrients from the bath help minimize the outbreak. It cuts down on the pain, the itchiness, and the tingliness. 

This video below shows 4 fast and easy ways to treat shingles naturally. You can learn how to handle shingles pain relief and speed shingles healing with homeopathy: