Mar 8, 2024
8 mins read
8 mins read

Gan Jing World ‘Kindness Is Cool’ Celebration Event at NYC’s Times Square

Gan Jing World ‘Kindness Is Cool’ Celebration Event at NYC’s Times Square

Gan Jing World’s “Kindness Is Cool” celebration event is held in Times Square, NY on Friday, March 8th at 1PM ET. The winners of the Kindness Is Cool Video Awards are presented the cash prize and showcased on a Times Square billboard in downtown Manhattan in New York City. 

At 1:00 pm, the giant billboard made a striking debut in the bustling landscape of New York City’s Times Square, showcasing the impressive winning videos in the competition, lighting up the city with the important message of kindness.

Winners from across the states and Canada traveled in to gather together at Times Square to attend the ceremony to witness the momentous occasion. Winners present include the 14-year old $10,000 Creativity Award winner Sam Coggin and his family, as well as the cast and crew of New Century Films ($5,000 award winner). Students and representatives from 3 award winning schools also came to the event, which includes Star Academy for the Gifted and Talented from Boston, Little Lotus Academy from New York, and Toronto-based Clearview School of Arts and Culture.

Creativity Award Winner of $10,000 - Sam Coggin

Group Award Winner of $5,000 - New Century Films

Appreciation Award Winner - Clearview Kidsland

Kindness Smiles Award Winner - Star Academy

Kindness Smiles Award Winner - Little Lotus Academy

Kindness Smiles Award Winner - Dream Journey

Leyana Stevenson (Director of US Department Veteran Affairs Manhattan Vet Center), Tofader Nur, President/CEO MillenniumTv News 24 & Millennium Tv USA, are among the VIP guests to witness the event. In addition, newspaper and TV media representatives will also be present to interview the winners.

The Kindness Is Cool Creativity Awards (1 prize, $10,000) goes to Breaking Barriers: Showing kindness toward another can change a life and recipients of kind acts can pay it forward to change even more lives. In this winning kindness video, David Vobora, retired NFL linebacker and founder of the Adaptive Training Foundation, shares his journey of helping veterans and first responders with disabilities by providing free training and housing, helping them become trainers to help others.

The creator of this outstanding video, Samual Coggin, is the 14-year-old founder and CEO of Legacy Media. When giving his winner’s remarks, he said, “I want to thank everyone who put this contest together. I am honored to play a small role in sharing kindness with the world.” “I want to thank David Vobora at Adaptive Training Foundation. David embodies the idea of kindness and has been inspirational to me in living out kindness every day. I want to thank my parents who have encouraged me to be bold and get out of my comfort zone.”

Ben Hedges, Gan Jing World’s Ambassador and content creator, is the event’s host. He announced at the start of the ceremony. While the ‘Kindness Is Cool’ video competition has drawn to a close, the event's impact has been felt far and wide as it initiated a global call to action for kindness in people’s daily lives and their communities, contributing to more than 10,000 entries worldwide.

After receiving an overwhelming number of entries, 23 of which creativity and talent truly stood out, this event serves as a platform to recognize their achievement and celebrate their success. Furthermore, the event serves as a testament to showcase the great impact of kindness in today’s world.

Gan Jing World also announces the new Kindness Is Cool 2024 event will commence in March 2024. The new event sparks a continuation of the spirit of kindness, encouraging communities worldwide to spread kind acts and inspire millions. This year’s theme will add an extra layer of encouraging participants to look around them, and to discover and record kindness and good deeds around them, whether by individuals or organizations. By recognizing kindness, we can pay it forward and uplift the hearts and minds of many.

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About Kindness Is Cool Video Awards

The ‘Kindness Is Cool’ event is one of the many initiatives Gan Jing World is taking to integrate its main message and mission into the platform. Gan Jing World’s Media Director, Nick Janicki shares, “The idea of Gan Jing World is to have a family-friendly, online social media platform. Through events like “Kindness Is Cool”, we hope to inspire positive community engagement, mutual respect, care, kindness, and to foster tighter family and social bonds.”

About Gan Jing World

Gan Jing World is an American online video sharing and social media platform headquartered in New York, U.S.A.. Available in 11 languages (and growing) and accessible worldwide, it was launched in 2022. 

As the fastest growing family-friendly social platform, Gan Jing World seeks to foster positive and uplifting engagement in its community, helping people recall the importance of strong bonds in the family and community to nurturing the mind and spirit. The platform allows for a multimedia sharing environment, where the fundamental mission is to create positive change in the world through showcasing inspiring content that uplifts society.

“Gan Jing” means clean. Through the utilization of technology, we are dedicated to revitalizing traditional connections, fostering a culture of care, kindness, mutual respect, and trust among individuals, within families, and throughout society. We hold user privacy as a top priority, and ensure that we collect the absolute minimum amount of user data compared to other platforms. We allow users to freely access our website and download our app without the need for registration.


Contact: Nick Janicki, Media Relations Director

[email protected]
