Oct 21, 2023
7 mins read
7 mins read

Did Nikola Tesla Believe in God?

Nikola Tesla, often referred to as the "father of modern electricity", was one of history's greatest inventors. But despite his pioneering contributions to science, Tesla’s views on religion and philosophy remain complex and at times contradictory. Many of us have the same question about him: Did Nikola Tesla believe in God? Contrary to the commonly held notion that Tesla was a resolute atheist or agnostic, substantial evidence suggests that he held profound spiritual and religious convictions.

About Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor and engineer who made significant contributions to the development of alternating current (AC) electricity and many other fields of science and technology. He was born in 1856 in Smiljan, a village in the Austrian Empire (now Croatia), to a Serbian Orthodox priest and a mother who was skilled in making household appliances. 

He studied engineering and physics in Graz and Prague, but did not complete his degree. He moved to the United States in 1884 and worked briefly for Thomas Edison before establishing his own laboratories and companies in New York. He patented the AC induction motor and the polyphase system of power transmission, which were licensed by George Westinghouse and became the basis of the modern electrical grid. 

(Photo: bbc.com)

He also experimented with wireless communication, radio control, X-rays, high-frequency currents, and various devices that produced electrical discharges, sparks, and flames. He built a large coil known as the Tesla coil, which could generate high voltages and currents. He also designed a wireless power transmission system called the World Wireless System, which he intended to use for broadcasting messages and energy across the globe. 

He envisioned a future where humanity would harness the natural forces of the earth and the sun for the benefit of all. He died in 1943 in New York City, leaving behind many inventions, patents, and mysteries.

Religious Background

Nikola Tesla's religious background played a significant role in shaping his early life and beliefs. He was born on July 10, 1856, in the village of Smiljan, which was part of the Austrian Empire at the time and is now located in Croatia. Tesla was born to Serbian Orthodox Christian parents, Georgina Đuka Tesla and Milutin Tesla, and was baptized in the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The Serbian Orthodox Christian faith is a branch of Eastern Orthodoxy, which follows the teachings and traditions of the Eastern Christian Church. Tesla's family, like many in the region, practiced their faith with dedication and participated in the rituals and customs associated with the Serbian Orthodox Church. The Church played a central role in the community, and its traditions were an integral part of daily life.

Tesla's early upbringing was deeply influenced by the religious practices, customs, and traditions of the Eastern Orthodox Church. He attended church services, observed religious holidays, and participated in sacraments, such as baptism and confession, which are central to the Orthodox Christian faith. The church provided a moral and ethical foundation for his upbringing, instilling in him the values and principles of Christianity.

Tesla's parents, Milutin and Duka, with their children. (Photo: scienceme.com)

While Tesla's religious background was rooted in the Serbian Orthodox Christian tradition, as he matured and pursued his scientific career, he developed a more complex and nuanced relationship with religion. He began to explore unconventional and metaphysical ideas, often referencing concepts such as “ether” and “universal intelligence” in his work. This interest in the mystical and spiritual aspects of the universe reflected a broader philosophical outlook that transcended traditional religious dogma.

Belief in a Higher Power

Nikola Tesla's belief in a higher power was a notable aspect of his personal philosophy and worldview. While he is celebrated primarily for his scientific innovations and technological contributions, Tesla's perspective on the existence of a higher intelligence or cosmic order was a recurring theme in his writings and statements. He believed in the presence of a higher power or a divine force that governed the laws of the universe. Here are some key points that shed light on Tesla's belief in a higher power:

1. Acknowledgment of a Universal Mind: Tesla often made reference to a "universal mind" or "creative intelligence" that he believed underpinned the workings of the natural world. He saw the universe as a well-ordered system with underlying principles that implied a higher form of intelligence or organization.

2. Living Universe: Tesla referred to the universe as a "living organism." This perspective was rooted in his belief that the cosmos had an inherent vitality and interconnectedness, which hinted at a deeper, spiritual understanding of the universe.

3. Cosmic Energy and Ether: Tesla's belief in the existence of a medium known as "ether" was linked to his view of a cosmic energy that permeated space. He postulated that this ether served as the medium through which energy, including electromagnetic waves, traveled. This idea hinted at a broader metaphysical understanding of the universe beyond the material and scientific realms.

(Photo: br.pinterest.com/@Saatchi Art)

4. Mystical Inclinations: While Tesla was a devoted scientist, he also displayed a fascination with mystical and esoteric concepts. His explorations extended into areas like numerology and the possibility of communication with otherworldly beings. These interests indicated his openness to unconventional and metaphysical ideas.

5. Harmony of Science and Spirituality: Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of Tesla's worldview was his ability to reconcile the worlds of science and spirituality. He saw no inherent conflict between empirical science and a belief in a higher intelligence. For Tesla, science and spirituality could coexist harmoniously, and both contributed to a deeper understanding of the universe.

Tesla's worldview shows it's possible to be both a committed scientist and someone with profound spiritual convictions. This challenges the idea that science and spirituality are completely irreconcilable.

Unique Synthesis of Science and Spirituality

Tesla's spirituality was influenced by his upbringing in the Eastern Orthodox Church, his exposure to Hindu and Buddhist teachings, and his own mystical experiences. He saw the universe as a harmonious whole, governed by natural laws that could be discovered and utilized by human intelligence. He also believed that there was a divine spark in every living being, and that human beings had the potential to transcend their physical limitations and connect with higher realms of existence. 

Tesla's synthesis of science and spirituality was not only a source of inspiration for his inventions, but also a guiding principle for his life. He dedicated himself to the service of humanity, and sought to use his talents for the benefit of all. He envisioned a world where free energy, peace, and harmony would prevail, and where science and spirituality would work together to create a new civilization.

In Conclusion

The prevailing image of Nikola Tesla as a scientist devoid of religious beliefs is an oversimplification of a complex and multifaceted individual. Tesla's early Serbian Orthodox Christian upbringing, coupled with his spiritual inclinations and his acknowledgment of a higher, organizing intelligence, highlight the fact that he held personal beliefs that transcended conventional religiosity.

It is crucial to understand that Tesla's spirituality and beliefs cannot be neatly categorized within traditional religious frameworks. Tesla realized science and faith could sometimes overlap in the vastness of human understanding. While grounded in material observations, he was willing to acknowledge undefinable aspects of existence as well. He demonstrated that one can be both a dedicated scientist and a person of deep faith, challenging the notion of a rigid divide between these two realms.

Watch more: Nikola Tesla: "GOD LIVES HERE" (The full explanation)