
Aug 8, 2023
3 mins read
3 mins read

Bowron Lakes and the Cariboo Region

Bowron Lakes and the Cariboo Region


I spent the first night on the road at Lac la Hache provincial park. I got an early start and rode up to Williams Lake and Quesnel on my way to the Bowron Lakes. It was really foggy in the morning. As I coninued on the fog began to lift. I stopped in at Quesnel and when I left around 11:00 AM The fog had finally lifted and it was sunny. The ride in the sunshine from Quesnel to Barkerville was really nice. I really like Wells and Barkerville. They're really cool.


Barkerville isn't really a town. It's large fenced off area filled with staff and pavilions giving live demonstrations as to what life was like back in the days of the gold Rush. it's like a larger version of the fort in Fort Langley. 20 dollars admission lets you see a lot. It's well worth it.

Wells is on the way to Barkerville and is more of a town. It's really cool and has lots of really interesting buildings from the Gold rush days including a live theatre. The turn off the the boron Lakes is after Wells before Barkerville. It's about 28 KM on a dirt road but is worth the visit. Th 3- 6 day backcountry canoe trip is world famous but if you book ahead you can camp on the beach or up at Becker's Lodge. You can also rent canoes for a day trip which is what I did. I went up mid week and was fortunate enough to get a campsite right on the beach.

It was really sunny when I went. It was a clear night and the stars were amazing. The light from the moon was so bright it cast a shadow on everything it touched. There was an amazing mist that started to rise up off the water. This is a picture from my tent in the night.


As the horizon began to ight up from the rising sun the fog rolled in and completely engulfed the lake. I'm told that's common for the region that time of year. The dew is significant. Just after 8:00 AM the fog began to lift and I went for a paddle in the canoe I rented. I would love to come back to do the whole circuit one day. This is the video of my arrival at the lake:

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