DEAR READERS: I have been asked a few questions about Mercury Retrograde. Here are some answers to your most asked questions.
Mercury Retrograde is this astrological thing where Mercury looks like it’s moving backward in the sky. It’s just an optical illusion because Mercury zooms around the Sun faster than Earth does.
During Mercury Retrograde, people believe that communication, tech, travel, and contracts go haywire. You might notice misunderstandings, delays, and tech issues.
Here’s how it might cause havoc with your life:
• Communication: Expect missed messages and awkward conversations. A time when conversations might lead to miscommunication.
• Tech Glitches: Your gadgets might act up and if you’re like me I am already tech challenged, and mercury retrograde does not help.
• Travel Headaches: Travel plans could get disrupted, so double-check everything.
• Contract Confusion: It’s probably best to avoid signing anything major; details might get missed.
How long does Mercury Retrograde last? It usually sticks around for about three weeks and happens three to four times a year. But you might feel its vibe a few weeks before and after, making it more like five to six weeks in total.
Which zodiac signs might be affected the worst?
Everyone feels it to some degree, but these signs might feel it more:
• Gemini and Virgo: Mercury rules these signs, so they might get hit hardest.
• Sagittarius and Pisces: These signs are opposite Gemini and Virgo, so they might also feel the heat.
• Other Mutable Signs: In general, mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are more flexible and might feel the shifts more.
Can your body feel the effects like it does when there is a full moon?
There’s no scientific proof, but people report a few things:
• Stressed Out: The chaos can make you feel more stressed.
• Sleep Issues: You might have trouble sleeping or have dreams.
• Feeling Tired: Emotional and mental strain can leave you feeling wiped out.
• Digestive Problems: Stress can mess with your gut, causing discomfort.
So, what can we do?
Mercury Retrograde is a time to chill, reflect, and be cautious. Knowing its potential effects can help you navigate this period with a bit more ease and awareness. I hope this information helps to make this time a little easier knowing that it’s not you, it’s Mercury Retrograde.
Bonnie Page is an Intuitive Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Reiki Master. If you would like to learn more about Bonnie please visit her website If you would like to ask Bonnie a question for her column please send it to
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