A Virus is basically a parasite that exploits and lives off others to further its selfish goals. It could be a person, a society, an organization or even a government. Talking about governments let us analyze and classify governments by their characteristics and end goals and see which government qualifies to be a virus. Unfortunately, all fingers point conclusively towards Communism as the Virus or invisible enemy.
As a part of their diabolical plot to acquire, expand and dominate other countries, they surreptitiously make entry into the country they choose to destroy. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) studies and observes how different countries operate, vulnerability and sensitivities of people in those countries, what elements in their system can spark off controversies and how can all drawbacks be exploited and used against them to unleash chaos in the country.
The CCP virus sneaks into a country corrupting politicians, businessmen and has a devious strategy to foment unrest using psychological, media and legal warfare’s.
Here is a throwback video during the Covid 19 pandemic
Strangle you with your own system
The Chinese Communist Party has well-oiled machinery that uses what a country considers its strengths against it. If you say you have faith in free speech, they will set up crippling protests to bring things to a grinding halt. According to Senior Journalist at Epoch Times, Joshua Phillip, “If you claim you believe in free press, they shall set up a state-run media in your country and use their services to lie to your population to spread their propaganda. You tell them you believe in free markets and they will bring state-owned companies that will sell products at low cost and drive your companies out of business.”
Communist China is threatening not only America but the World
CCP views the current free and open liberal economic and democratic world order as a political and ideological threat. It wants the world to follow the way its government is -- centrally-planned and authoritarian, where every decision isn’t about helping the people—but instead about helping the Chinese Communist Party.
With this ideological mindset, the CCP’s actions are threatening the Western economy, people, and the way of life. CCP wages secret disinformation and propaganda wars to cripple a country from within.
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) infiltration into the heart of America is obvious as they engage in espionage at even state and local levels of our government.
Another area is the cyber threat. China poses a high cyber threat to the U.S. government and businesses and their increasing ability to threaten and potentially disrupt U.S. critical infrastructure. China’s cyber capability is alarming. A cyber-attack on critical infrastructures could be catastrophic.
The ‘Three Warfares Doctrine’
Epoch Times reporter Joshua Philip explained the Chinese Army's publicly adopted "Three Warfares Doctrine", which includes psychological warfare, media warfare, and legal warfare to “strangle countries with their own system” and view them in the context of its pervasive dispute with its neighbours.
Chinese Communist Party’s intrusion in Indian Media
It is shocking that leading Indian newspapers yielded to the financial inducements, helping the Chinese Communist Party plant Trojan Horses in India, in the minds of newspaper readers in India. This was done through Chinese Officials Op-eds in Indian Newspapers and Advertorials. To put it simply, an Op-ed is an opinion piece published in print media opposite the editorial page (hence the term “op-ed“).
From February 2020 to May 2020 there were at least 6 op-eds by Chinese officials in Indian newspapers.
Chinese Officials op-eds are one-sided and almost always talk about the success story of China and the greatness of Xi-Jinping. Their op-eds don’t hesitate to attack Indian partners by name or touch on issues sensitive in/to India.
We see history repeat itself with the Western Media colluding with the CCP
The relationship between Western media and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a complex and multifaceted issue, often rooted in economic, political, and cultural dynamics.
Western media outlets often have financial interests in maintaining access to China. Articles critical of groups like Falun Gong or Shen Yun Performing Arts—both overtly not seen in good light by CCP—may be perceived as currying favour with Chinese authorities.
The CCP has been known to exert direct pressure on foreign media, including threats of restricted market access or visa denials for journalists, which could subtly influence coverage.
Large Western media outlets are often owned by multinational conglomerates with significant business interests in China. For instance, Hollywood studios, which are closely tied to Western media, rely heavily on the Chinese box office for revenue. This financial dependency may lead to self-censorship or turning a blind eye to the Chinese Communist Party.

If we give in to this Communism virus which is all pervading in all spheres of society, the damages can be irreversible.
Watch the full video series on the book:
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