1. Review of Numbers and Dates:
Ask and Answer问答
"今天周四,明天周几?"----”明天周五“ (time in days and weeks 周三 vs 三周 &前天昨天今天明天后天)
”现在几点了?“,”现在什么时间?“----”现在四点/现在四点整/现在四点十八分/现在四点零六分“ (accuracy with the 2 words 整/零 & the use of "时分秒”)
2. Note for today :
大家下午好, 下午好,午时,时辰,生辰快乐,生日快乐,快乐,毕业快乐
一个 vs 一位
and: 和,还有
3. Family members:
父:祖父爷爷,祖母奶奶婆婆,姑姑,伯伯,叔叔 (婆婆 can also be used when addressing the "mother of your husband", 叔叔 is the same words as in addressing non-related elder males who are in one's father's generation)
堂 or 表:兄弟姐妹
Activity: Say the names in English or Chinese and ask students to say the corresponding term in the other language
Practice: pronounce all the terms for family members mentioned above, and the 2 following sentences based on own situation
”我妈妈是一位老师“ (this could be used as connecting point to next class, where review starts with extending vocabulary in naming professions)
Note for teaching:
When writing down each word, add PinYin above and and English definitions below the Chinese character, so students can pronounce the words while understanding the meaning and putting it to practical use
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