The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), through its special investigation channels within mainland China, received confidential intelligence regarding the top leadership of the Chinese Communist Party on December 6, 2024. The following is a summary:
The Chinese Communist Party's Ministry of Public Security recently held a video conference personally chaired by Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong. The meeting included numerous internal directives from the CCP's top leadership, which have already been disseminated to the provincial and department level in China and are being implemented. The key points related to Falun Gong are as follows:
1. Activate all CCP operatives (CCP’s internal name for "special agents") and intelligence informants deployed in the United States. At any cost, they must approach the core members of Trump's team to quickly ascertain Trump's true stance toward the CCP and identify all potential sanctions the Trump administration is planning to take against China.
2. Increase support for individuals against Falun Gong. CCP ministries and departments can provide more materials and intelligence, including photos and videos, ensuring personal information in these materials is handled carefully to avoid exposing our (referring to CCP intelligence departments) involvement in planning. Financial assistance can be offered through means such as "donations." Select public opinion operatives (commonly known as "50 Cent Army") familiar with Falun Gong from various regions in China and abroad to participate in this effort. Focus on amplifying claims that Falun Gong violates U.S. laws and disregards the U.S. government’s authority. Use such fabricated "narratives" to pressure the U.S. government and relevant institutions to cease support for Falun Gong, ultimately achieving the goal of eradicating Falun Gong from the United States.
3. Continue intensifying attacks and smear campaigns against Shen Yun, The Epoch Times, and Falun Gong's "key individuals" and "targeted individuals." Operatives (referring to CCP agents) and new external propaganda resources can be mobilized to participate in overseas attack operations. Focus on disrupting and fracturing the relationships within overseas Falun Gong communities. Specific actions can be determined locally (by agents and intelligence agencies) at their discretion, ensuring there are no contradictions or conflicts among themselves.
4. Activate all undercover personnel (referring to CCP agents) to continue implementing the plan targeting overseas Falun Gong members to abandon their practice (Editor’s Note: referred to as the "exit Falun Gong plan"). This can involve setting up relief funds through Chinese business associations or using third parties with clean backgrounds to provide assistance to those who have exited. This includes financial aid to improve the success rate of individuals abandoning Falun Gong.
Additionally, leverage all individuals who have exited to continuously expose alleged "dark secrets" within Falun Gong, thereby discrediting the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" as "falsehoods and lies."
5. Activate high-level operatives (senior agents) to carry out "critical operations" (attacks and smear campaigns) against selected high-ranking individuals within Falun Gong and The Epoch Times. The goal is to win over and convert one or two high-level Falun Gong members so that they turn against the organization at a critical moment, delivering a "fatal blow" to Falun Gong and the U.S. officials who support it.
6. The plan by Chen Yixin, a member of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission and Minister of the Ministry of State Security, has already received support from the CCP's top leadership. In the next steps, the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of Public Security will intensify efforts to cooperate with this action. The CCP's leadership is deeply afraid of U.S. sanctions, as Falun Gong holds evidence of their serious crimes. This is the primary reason the CCP leadership wants to intensify attacks on key figures from The Epoch Times, Shen Yun, and others overseas. The final target of these attacks will be Falun Gong's founder.
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
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