May 20, 2024
7 mins read
7 mins read

‘No Concessions on Democracy and Freedom’: Taiwan’s New President Tells Beijing

‘No Concessions on Democracy and Freedom’: Taiwan’s New President Tells Beijing
Taiwan's new President Lai Ching-te gives a speech at his inauguration ceremony on May 20, 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan. (Image: Annabelle Chih via Getty Images)

On May 20, Taiwan’s newly inaugurated president, William Lai Ching-te issued a stark call to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to cease its threats against the island nation, and to acknowledge Taiwan’s democratic existence. 

During the speech, Lai urged Beijing to abandon its confrontational stance and instead engage in meaningful dialogue with Taiwan. He emphasized that Taiwan would never yield to intimidation from China, which has long claimed the island as a rightful part of its territory. 

Lai: ‘Peace is the only option’

“I want to urge China to stop intimidating Taiwan politically and militarily,” said Lai during his swearing-in ceremony. He also asked Beijing to “take on the global responsibility with Taiwan to work hard on maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the region, to ensure the world is without the fear of war breaking out.” 

Officially known as the Republic of China (ROC), Taiwan retained its own de facto government after its forces were driven off the mainland by communist rebels in 1949. However, the mainland Chinese regime views Taiwan as a renegade province and has long vowed to reclaim it by “any means necessary.” 

A screen shows Taiwan’s new President Lai Ching-te giving a speech at his inauguration ceremony on May 20, 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan. Lai urged China to stop its military threats against Taiwan in his inaugural address. Lai is expected to continue the policies of outgoing president Tsai Ing-wen, who was barred from running again after two terms. (Image: Annabelle Chih via Getty Images)

“We also want to declare this to the world: Taiwan makes no concessions on democracy and freedom. Peace is the only option and prosperity is our goal for long-term peace and stability,” said Lai. 

President Lai and his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have long been viewed with suspicion by Beijing, which perceives them as pro-independence. This distrust has led to increased military activity around Taiwan, with Chinese forces conducting regular incursions into Taiwan’s waters and airspace. These actions have heightened fears of potential conflict.

Taiwanese authorities reported that mainland China’s military forces had carried out another “combat patrol” near the island on May 14. This included sending aircraft across the Taiwan Strait’s sensitive median line. 

MORE ON THIS: Cross-Strait Tensions Rise Ahead of Taiwan’s Presidential Inauguration

In his address, Lai labeled these incursions as the “greatest strategic challenge to global peace and stability.” He highlighted the necessity of peace and dialogue to ensure stability in the region. Lai’s stance aligns with the approach of his predecessor, Tsai Ing-wen, who managed relations with Beijing cautiously yet firmly during her tenure.

(L-R) Taiwan’s former President, Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s new President, Lai Ching-te, and the new Vice President, Hsiao Bi-khim, show up on the stage during Taiwan’s new President Lai Ching-te’s inauguration ceremony on May 20, 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan. (Image: Annabelle Chih via Getty Images)

Following Lai’s speech, Beijing responded swiftly with the usual unyielding rhetoric. “Taiwan independence is a dead end,” said Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry, during a daily press briefing. “Regardless of the pretext or the banner under which it is pursued, the push for Taiwan independence is destined to fail.”

Continuation of Tsai’s policies

William Lai, a former physician-turned-politician, secured the presidency in a three-way race in January, winning an unprecedented third term for his party. Having served as Vice President and Premier under Tsai, Lai’s political journey has been marked by his transition from a radical pro-independence advocate to a more pragmatic leader. This shift in stance is reflected in his current approach towards the PRC. 

Lai’s commitment to bolstering Taiwan’s defenses follows the path laid by Tsai Ing-wen. Under her administration, Taiwan’s defense budget saw significant increases, reaching approximately $20 billion. Investments were also made in new battle tanks, F-16 fighter jets, and a fleet of missile ships to patrol the Taiwan Strait. The pinnacle of these efforts was the development of Taiwan’s first indigenous submarine, which was completed last September.

This picture taken on an undisclosed date in December 2016 shows Chinese J-15 fighter jets waiting on the deck of the Liaoning aircraft carrier during military drills in the Bohai Sea, off China’s northeast coast. (Image: STR/AFP via Getty Images)

During the speech, Lai also reiterated his commitment to maintaining the status quo — a delicate balance that acknowledges Taiwan’s sovereignty without outright declaring independence, a situation Beijing insists upon. Despite his conciliatory tone, Lai stressed the importance of strengthening Taiwan’s defenses and called for the re-establishment of cross-strait exchanges, including the return of Chinese tourist groups to Taiwan.

“Fellow citizens, we have the ideal to pursue peace, but we must not have illusions,” said Lai, adding, “Before China gives up using force to invade Taiwan, citizens must understand this: Even if we accept all of China’s claims and give up our sovereignty, China’s ambition to annex Taiwan will not disappear.”

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Bolstering national defense 

But Lai has also pledged to continue the defense enhancements put forth by Tsai. His administration’s military investments, while criticized by some for potentially provoking PRC forces, are viewed by others as essential for deterring Beijing’s aggressive maneuvers.

Furthermore, Lai’s ability to govern effectively may be hindered by a divided parliament. The DPP no longer holds a majority, and this political fragmentation was starkly displayed over the weekend when lawmakers engaged in physical altercations over proposed reforms. These disputes cast a shadow over Lai’s inauguration and his initial address as president.

Mark Liu, Executive Chairman of the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), speaks during the SEMICON Taiwan 2023 at the Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei on 6 September 6, 2023. The UK is prominently present at the event with a delegation of 19 high-profile tech firms. (Image: SAM YEH/AFP via Getty Images)

Ultimately, Lai’s approach to Beijing will be the defining aspect of his presidency. Since 2016, formal communication between Taiwan and China has been nonexistent. Reestablishing these channels is critical for reducing tensions and ensuring regional stability.

Hsu Chih-ming, a lawyer who attended the inauguration, expressed optimism tempered with caution. “Taiwan fared quite well under Tsai, but there’s a need to maintain good communications with China,” Hsu said. “Lai said he was a ‘practical worker for Taiwan independence.’ I hope he wouldn’t emphasize this too much and worsen cross-strait relations. Otherwise, all of us wouldn’t be able to escape if a war broke out.”

Maintaining the status quo

The international community, particularly Taiwan’s allies, is closely monitoring Lai’s rhetoric and actions. The U.S., a crucial supporter, is particularly attentive to Lai’s diplomatic maneuvers. Vice President Hsiao Bi-Khim, regarded as Tsai’s protege, is a reassuring figure for Washington due to her extensive experience and ties with the U.S. Bi-Khim also served as Taiwan’s de facto ambassador to Washington.

At home, Lai faces significant challenges. Unemployment and the cost of living issues have alienated younger voters — a factor that contributed to the DPP’s difficulties in the January elections. In addition, Taiwan’s economy, which is heavily reliant on its semiconductor industry, presents both a wealth of opportunity as well as a potential vulnerability.