Legend has it that Emperor Ku had four sons under his knees, who were Zhi, Qi, Li, and Yao according to the order. On the virtue of governing the country, Yao is the best person to choose Emperor Ku. Emperor Ku also intends to pass the throne to Yao, but the common sense should be the eldest son Zhi. Inherit the throne. And this eldest son Zhi is the most unsuitable person to inherit the throne!
Speaking of Zhi, he is not a big treacherous person, and he is an honest and filial person. It is just because he was busy with administration and neglected discipline since he was a child. Let him develop a habit of arrogance and lust. He has never paid attention to the issue of governing the country. He is closest to three bad people, who are called the three murderers behind them. Do anything evil. Kong Ren, this person is a two-faced person with two different hearts. On the surface, he is eloquent, very obedient, and looks like a kind person, but his heart is very vicious, and he often has a lot of evil ideas to benefit others! Gun, this person is not bad by nature, but he is stubborn and self-righteous. As long as he thinks it is right or wrong, he will not listen to other people's persuasion!
The matter of the inheritance of the throne is indeed difficult for the old emperor. After thinking about it, he finally came up with a more fair method, using the method of tortoise shell divination, and handing over the decision to God! After thinking of a good idea, he gathered his ministers, fasted and bathed, set up a divination table, and began to search for hexagrams. Emperor Ku sighed, it seemed that this was the will of God, so he followed the hexagram and appointed the eldest son Zhi as the heir in order!
A few years later, Di Ku decided to disintegrate the immortal, so he pretended to die of illness. After the funeral for the emperor was completed by the ministers, Di Ku also completed the rebirth in the emperor's mausoleum, so he got up and escaped from the immortal, leaving only an empty coffin. in the imperial mausoleum.
Moreover, after the expiration of the three-year period of filial piety, Zhi took the throne and changed his name to Emperor Zhi. At this time, because of the relationship between Emperor Zhi, no one dared to provoke the three murderers. They often brought Emperor Zhi to drink and have fun, but they ignored political affairs. Later, in order to make it more convenient to drink and have fun with a few friends, Emperor Zhi simply appointed Huandou, Kong Ren, and Gun to official positions. Naturally, the old ministers strongly opposed it, but it was of no use, so those loyal and good old ministers resigned. gone! Since then, Emperor Zhi has no loyal and good ministers to control him, and even more wasteful political affairs!
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