After the death of the Yellow Emperor, he was buried in Qiaoshan. His grandson, Changyi's son Gao Yang, succeeded to the throne, and this was Emperor Zhuanxu. Emperor Zhuanxu Gaoyang was the grandson of the Yellow Emperor and the son of Changyi. The character is quiet, deep and strategic, and understands the truth of affairs. Planting crops can play the role of the land, decide actions according to the climate of the four seasons in order to imitate nature, formulate principles according to the spirits of mountains and rivers, study the laws of the four seasons and five elements to educate the people, and worship the ghosts and gods with sincerity. He ruled from Chieling in the north, Jiaozhi in the south, Quicksand in the west, and Panmu in the east. Birds, animals and plants, all the gods and spirits of big rivers, small hills and small rivers, wherever the sun and the moon can shine, there is no injustice and submission. Emperor Zhuanxu gave birth to a son named Qiongchan. Zhuanxu died, and Xuan Xiao's grandson Gao Xin succeeded him. This was Emperor Ku. Emperor Ku Gaoxin was the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor. Gao Xin's father was Xingji's father Xuanqi, and Xuan Xiao's father was Huangdi. Neither Xuan Xiao nor Xing Ji were able to take the throne, and it was only when Gao Xin came to the throne. Gao Xin was a nephew to Zhuanxu. Gao Xin was born with a divine spirit and was able to say his own name. Universally gracious to all things, without regard to self. He has good ears and eyes to know the distant and the subtle. Follow God's righteousness and understand the needs of the people. Benevolent and majestic, benevolent and sincere, perfect oneself and make the world obey. Harvest the produce of the land and use it sparingly, caress and educates the nations for their benefit and instructs them. Observe the movement of the sun and the moon and revise the calendar, understand ghosts and spirits and serve them respectfully. He was dignified and virtuous. When he acted in accordance with the time of the sky, he dressed like a scholar. Emperor Ku governs the world as equal and just as water irrigates farmland. It spreads all over the world, where the sun and the moon shine, where the wind and rain can blow, and there is no one who will not surrender. Emperor Ku married a woman from Chen Feng's family and gave birth to his son Fangxun; he married a woman from Qiuzi's family and gave birth to a son Zhi. Emperor Ku died and was succeeded by Zhi. Emperor Zhi succeeded to the throne, politically weak, and his younger brother Fangxun succeeded, this is Emperor Yao.
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