Jun 2, 2023
6 mins read
6 mins read

Weapons of Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt was one of the most powerful civilizations in history, and its military was a key factor in its success. The Egyptian army used a variety of weapons and tools to fight and conquer their enemies, from simple stone maces to advanced chariots and composite bows. In this article, we will explore some of the most common and effective weapons of ancient Egypt, and how they evolved over time.

1. Spear and shield


The spear and shield were the basic weapons of the Egyptian infantry. The spear was a long wooden shaft with a bronze tip that could pierce through leather armor. The shield was made of three wooden planks covered with animal hide, and provided protection from enemy attacks. The Egyptians used spears and shields in tight formations, such as the phalanx, to create a wall of defense. The spear and shield were cheap and easy to make, and were used throughout ancient Egyptian history.

2. Javelin


The javelin was another weapon that could be thrown or used in close combat. It was a short spear, about a meter long, with a bronze or copper tip. The javelin was lighter and faster than the spear, and could be thrown with great accuracy. The Egyptians used javelins to harass and weaken their enemies from a distance, or to finish them off in melee.

3. Bow and arrow


The bow and arrow was the most common Egyptian weapon, and also the most effective. The Egyptians used bows and arrows since the Predynastic Period, but they improved their design and technology over time. The earliest bows were simple single-arched bows made of wood, with reed arrows and flint or copper tips. These bows were hard to draw and had limited range and accuracy.

The Egyptians learned how to make composite bows from the Hyksos, an invading army from Syria that conquered Egypt around 1650 BCE. Composite bows were made of wood, horn, sinew, and glue, and had a double-arched shape that increased their power and flexibility. Composite bows could shoot arrows farther and faster than single-arched bows, and were more durable and reliable. The Egyptians also improved their arrows by making them longer, thinner, and sharper, with metal tips that could penetrate armor. The Egyptians used bows and arrows for hunting, warfare, and sport, and became skilled archers.

4. Axe


The axe was another weapon that the Egyptians borrowed from the Hyksos. The axe was a wooden handle with a metal blade that could chop or slash an enemy. The Egyptians used axes for both combat and construction, as they could also cut wood and stone. The axe was especially useful for breaking through enemy shields or chariots.

5.  Sword


The sword was a relatively late addition to the Egyptian arsenal. The sword was a long metal blade with a handle that could stab or slash an enemy. The Egyptians did not use swords until the New Kingdom period (1550-1070 BCE), when they came into contact with other civilizations that used them, such as the Hittites or the Assyrians.

The Egyptians developed different types of swords, such as the khopesh, a curved sword with a hook at the end; the sickle-sword, a straight sword with a curved tip; and the rapier, a thin sword with a pointed tip. The sword was more expensive and difficult to make than other weapons, and required more skill and training to use effectively. 

6. Chariot


The chariot was the ultimate weapon of ancient Egypt. The chariot was a two-wheeled vehicle pulled by horses that carried one or two warriors armed with bows or spears. The chariot was fast, agile, and powerful, and could run over enemies or shoot them from afar. The chariot was also a symbol of prestige and status, as only the elite could afford them. The Egyptians learned how to make chariots from the Hyksos as well, but they improved them by making them lighter, stronger, and more maneuverable. The Egyptians used chariots for warfare, hunting, racing, and parades.

These are some of the most important weapons of ancient Egypt that helped shape its history and culture. The Egyptian military was not only well-equipped but also well-organized and disciplined under the command of the pharaohs. The Egyptian army conquered many lands and defended its borders from foreign invaders for centuries. Find out more about deadly weapons of ancient Egypt in this video below: