Mar 25, 2023
2 mins read
2 mins read

How to Teach Kids Mindfulness

How to Teach Kids Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to what is happening in the present moment with curiosity and kindness. Mindfulness can help kids cope with stress, regulate emotions, and improve their focus and learning. Here are some ways to teach mindfulness to kids of different ages:

- For preschoolers (3-5 years old), you can use games and activities that involve sensory awareness, such as listening to a bell, feeling different textures, or smelling different scents. Consider using stories and books that introduce mindfulness concepts, such as breathing, feelings, or gratitude.

- For elementary schoolers (6-10 years old), you can use more structured exercises that involve breathing, body awareness, or visualization. For example, you can ask them to lie down with a stuffed animal on their belly and watch it rise and fall as they breathe, or you can guide them to imagine they are a superhero with a special power. You can also use crafts and art projects that promote mindfulness, such as making a mind jar or drawing their personal weather report.

- For tweens and teens (11-18 years old), you can use more interactive and creative ways to teach mindfulness, like journaling, role-playing, or music. Please encourage them to practice mindfulness in daily activities, such as walking, eating, or studying. Introducing them to apps or websites offering guided meditation for teens can also be a choice.

Also, for all ages, meditation and mindfulness practice can help a child to shift their relationship to themselves and to the world around them. This sets the stage for infinite healthy habits to take root. From speaking more mindfully to setting healthy boundaries, meditation helps children prepare for the experiences that come their way.

Please watch the following video to shape yourself as a good parent and be ready to teach your kids mindfulness.