Renji Hospital is China’s first-class Grade A general medical institution affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University[1]. It is designated by the CCP’s ministry of health as the medical center dedicated to liver and kidney transplantation[2]. The hospital, with its strong professional staff, large number of patients and beds, and high turnover rates, claimed to lead the nation since 2011 in transplant surgery. And the hospital boasted that it got its supply of donor organs from the military. The doctors there admitted that using Falun Gong practitioners’ organs for transplant surgery is still on going
I. General Introduction
Renjin Hospital, with four compounds and Shanghai Tumor Institute, has a staff of 2511 (South Compound not included) as of the end of 2013, among whom 328 are senior experts at full or associate professor level, 57 are PhD tutors, 148 are master’s tutors[3]. The hospital has a strong staff of transplant surgeons; its official website and research papers indicate that there are 24 surgeons having performed liver transplant operations, among whom two are doctors at director level, 3 at deputy director level, and 12 attending physicians.
On May 23, 2007, the CCP’s ministry of health designated the hospital as the center for liver and kidney transplantation.[4] The organ transplant center at Renji Hospital has top-notch operation rooms and hospital beds, which allow for six surgeries being performed concurrently[5].
“At present, the liver surgery department at Renji has 3 wards, including 110 beds and more than 70 medical personnel, having become the nation’s key clinical specialist center, , the key academic center under the nation’s ‘211 Project’, the National Clinical Pharmacology Institution, and the top clinical project ofthe Shanghai Health and Planning Commission” said Xia Qiang, director of the surgery department at the hospital.[6]
II. Leading the nation for four consecutive years since 2011, claimed the hospital
In Apr. , 2015, the news web of Shanghai Jiaotong University claimed that the annual hepatobiliary Surgery at Renji hospital led Shanghai for 8 years, topped the nation for 4 years since 2011, andthe number of liver transplant surgery for children ranked 1st in the world for 4 years.[7] According to Phoenix Web’s report, the hepatobiliary surgery department of Renji Hospital is the largest medical center for liver transplant surgery in the nation in terms of the numbers of surgery and patient visits.[8]
Figure 1. Snapshot of Shanghai Jiaotong University's News Net
On Apr. 3, 2015, Xinhua Net carried an article from Jiefang Daily, claiming too that the hepatobiliary surgery department of Renji Hospital ranked 1st in the annual number of liver transplant surgeries in China for 4 consecutive years.[9]
Additionally, it was reported that the yearly incremental increase of surgeries at Renji Hospital is making it the largest domestic liver transplantation center, surpassing the organ transplantation center at the First Central Hospital of Tianjin, which, according to public data, performed d nearly 10,000 liver transplant surgeriesin 2014.[10]
Figure 2. Snapshot of Xinhua Net
Figure 3. Snapshot of First Central Hospital of Tianjin
III. A Strong team of liver transplant surgeons and large number of surgeries performed
WOIPFG published a list of transplant surgeons at this hospital in 2014.There are 24 transplant doctors that can be found on the official website and research papers who have been confirmed to have performed transplant surgeries. These surgeonsinclude 2 doctors at director level, 3 at deputy director level, and 12 attending surgeons. Many doctors have performed large numbers of transplant surgeries and are able to put together multiple liver transplantation teams.
Xiaqiang, a doctor at director level and professor, is the director of the Organ Transplantation Center at Renji Hospital .[11] According to a report from Remin Web on Jun. 2006, “As tohow many liver transplant surgeries have been performed, even Xia Qiang couldn't figure it out himself. He only remembered his own highest record: 6 liver transplant surgeries in a single day.”[12]
Figure 4. Snapshot of the June 2006 Renmin Web article
In addition to Xiaqiang, many other doctors at Renji Hospital have also performed large numbers of transplant surgeries, which can be seen in a report of February 1, 2016 on Shanghai Transplantation Net. The examples are as follows:
Zhang Jianjun, doctor at director level at the department of liver surgery of Renji Hospital, completed nearly 1,000 cases of liver transplantation and second liver transplantation,and hundreds of cases of live liver transplantation for infants and children.[13]
Xu Ning, doctor at director level at the department of liver surgery of Renji Hospital, has started to work in the clinical and research fields on liver transplantation and pancreas transplantation since 2001.He performs more than 130 liver transplant surgeries per year, assists more than 10 provincial hospitals with their liver transplant surgeries[14], and participates in more than 1,000 cases of liver transplants.[15]
Li Qigen, doctor at director level at the department of liver surgery of Renji Hospital, performed over 1,000 cases of liver transplant and hundreds of cases of live liver transplant, and more than 150 cases of liver transplant for infants and children.[16]
Han Longzhi, doctor at director level at the department of liver surgery of Renji Hospital performed more than 500 cases of adult liver transplant surgeries and more than 150 cases of live liver transplantation for infants and children.[17]
Xing Tianyu, doctor at director level at the department of liver surgery of Renji Hospital, has been involved as of now in the completion of more than 500 cases of liver transplantation.[18]
Shen Conghuan, doctor at director level at the department of liver surgery of Renji Hospital,,has engaged in liver transplant at the organ transplant center since Oct. 2004[19] and has participated in more than 500 cases of liver transplants along with 100 cases of liver transplants for infants and children.[20]
Lu Tianfei, resident doctor at the liver transplant center of Renji Hospital, started working at the center in July 2006[21] and has participated in more than 500 cases of liver transplants so far.[22]
IV. Doctors’ erratic schedules reveal large numbers of transplant surgeries
The transplant surgeons were overwhelmed with work, with almost no days off. They seemed to be busy all the time, as can be revealed from media reports and doctors’ accounts. Prof. Xia Qiang said, “I adopted a military style management for my team. Every health care professional must have his cell phone on 24 hours a day, as liver transplant surgery requires that they go out to retrieve the donor organ at any time and must be prepared to operate. Our doctors are on call all the time.” One doctor who was responsible for harvesting donated livers had logged over 60,000 kilometers in the air over 3 months. What frequently occurred was “on his way to exit the airport, the person was instructed to transfer to a flight for another place.”[23]
“Inside the Renji Hospital, there are two big rooms full of kids waiting painstakingly for a liver donor. 60% of pediatric patients with biliary atresia waiting for liver donation in the entire country are gathered here. Because of large volumes of operations, the Renji Liver Transplant Center was immediately notified once a liver source is identified around the country. Therefore, doctors here must make sure their cell phones are on 24 hours a day, and be ready to travel for organ harvesting anytime, anywhere.”[24]
An article published in 2013, “Non-Stop Liver Transplant Surgeries in Renji Hospital Made Doctors Unable to Leave through the Night”, said,“This summer, Professor Xia Qiang at Renji Hospital’s Organ Transplant Center has been extremely busy. Operations were scheduled one after another, and he wasn’t able to leave the hospital throughout the night. The annually increasing volume of surgeries is making Renji Hospital the nation’s largest liver transplant center.”[25]
Figure 5. Snapshot of August 2013 Sina Shanghai article
Qiu Feng, doctor at deputy director level with Urology Surgery Division of Renji Hospital, and deputy Minister of the Medical Department said, “I need to perform 6 kidney transplant surgeries in a row, started from 4pm to 6 am the next morning. After about one hour's sleep, the rounds followed. This is not the highest record, my highest record was working four days and nights without sleep, performing surgery at night and seeing patients during daytime, because there’s no time to lose in using the donor’s organ. Once a kidney became available, the transplant surgery must be performed immediately. And this is my job.[26]
V. The hospital’s infrastructure, number of beds, and high turnover rate, all indicate large number of transplant surgeries
Organ Transplantation Center of Renji Hospital has hundred-level laminar flow operating rooms and ten-thousand level laminar flow wards, which allows 6 liver transplant surgeries being performed at the same time.[27] The center maintains a professional website and forum on organ transplantation, Shanghai Transplantation Web, that has millions of hits in the nation.
Now let’s take a look at how the number of beds has grown at the center.
a) In October 2004, the number of beds for liver transplant patients grew to 23 from the previous 13. Xiaqiang said, “On the fourth day after I arrived at the Renji Hospital, I performed the first liver transplant surgery. In the week that follows, we successfully carried out 4 liver transplant surgeries.” The supervisors at the hospital witnessed Xia Qiang’s capability, as well as the potential of this young transplant team. They immediately made the decision to increase the number of beds at the liver transplant center from 13 to 23, during the “October 1st” holiday period.[28]
b) On June 28, 2007, according to the China Organ Transplant website, the number of beds for liver transplant patients reached 90.[29]
Figure 6. Snapshot of June 2007 China organ transplants web page
c) On December 25, 2015, the website of the medical college of Shanghai Jiaotong University reported that there were 110 hospital beds for liver transplants in 2014. “At present Renji Hospital has 3 inpatient areas, 110 hospital beds and more than 70 health care personnel. It has become the nation’s key clinical specialist center, the key academic center under the nation’s ‘211 Project’, the National Clinical Pharmacology Institution, and the top clinical project of the Shanghai Health and Planning Commission. ”[30]
Figure 7. Snapshot of Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University web page
d) The patients at the urology division of Renji Hospital stay in the center for an average of about five days. Starting from July 2005 day-treatment patient wards were lunched, strict regulations were enforced, and 20 male urological conditions were determined as those for which the surgery would be performed during the day, as a result of which the patients’ hospitalization time was significantly reduced and most patients could be released from the hospital after one day’s stay. [31]
There were only 2000 beds even after four hospital branches were added, so many approaches were adopted to to speed up the bed turnover, including the "Day Surgery Center", which enabled the surgical patients to only "stay" 24-48 hours, increasing the turnover of beds substantially, and decreasing patient medical expenses by 10% - 30%.[32]
Figure 8. Snapshot of Eastday Web page
VI. Hospital admitted organs obtained directly from military and organs from Falun Gong still used
Up to Feb 7, 2015, the head nurse at liver transplantation unit of Reni Hospital had admitted that organs were sourced from the military.[33] Yet the military does not control the prisons and death row criminals. So this “source” were most likely from the live organs of the detained Falun Gong practitioners.[34]
On the phone record of an investigation by WOIPFG, the nurse on duty at liver transplantation unit of Renji Hospital said, “We get our organs directly from the source. We have many channels,they are all over the country, not just the places near us. We can use live organs. We take organs directly from living donors, so the quality is definitely ensured. When we go to take the organs, we examine the plasma, HID and blood type, which would all be determined at the scene. Then after we excise the organs, the patients would get ready. Before the livers arrive, the patients will already be in the operating room. We’ve always booked round-trip plane tickets.”
(Recording 85. Download: MP3; For recording transcript, please see Attachment 78)
Investigation target: Hang Hualian, doctor at deputy director level with the division of Liver Transplantation at Shanghai Renji Hospital
Date: November 8, 2018 (+86-18616206806)
(Recording 9. Download: MP3; For recording transcript, please see pdf attachment 4)
Hang Hualian, Come and see me tomorrow. I’ll try to get it done for you within one week.” Investigator: You are using Falun Gong (practitioner) donors now, right?” Hang Hualian: Yes, this is for sure.
Personal Profile: Member of the Transplant Surgery Technical Committee of the Organ Transplantation Physician Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, member of the Stem Cell and Tissue Transplantation Committee of the Organ Transplantation Physician Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, member of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Committee of the Cross-Strait Medical and Health Exchange Association, and the chief examiner of the National Examination for Licensed Doctors.[35]
VII. Short waiting time for transplant surgery and emergency treatment
Investigation recording 20
Kong Defu, liver transplant surgeon at Shanghai Renji Hospital
Investigation call made on March 18, 2017 (+86-18817667836)
Excerpts: As many as 700 cases were done in 2016. Over one hundred have been done this year. The patients here used to wait a very short period of time before they could get donor organs from prison. It’s no longer the case. Many organs were obtained from out of town. As soon as livers became available, they’d be sent over very quickly.
( DownloadMP3; For a complete recording transcript, please see Attachment 20)
Investigation recording 21
Hang Hualian, director of liver transplant division of Shanghai Renji Hospital
Investigation call made on March 25, 2017 (+86-18616206806)
Excerpts: For [Blood] Type B, if nothing unusual happens, it should be taken care of within two week. Almost invariably we do two cases a day. Last year 521 cases were done, and this year about one hundred cases have been done so far. The quality of livers from death row prisoners cannot be guaranteed. We now mostly use organs from brain-dead patients.
( For recording, please download MP3; For a complete transcript, please see Attachment 21)
The Organ Transplant Center of Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University completed 8 emergency liver transplants in one year from September 2004 to October 2005 [36]。
Transplant volume at the hospital far exceeds organ donations in Shanghai
On December 29, 2017, Renji Hospital announced that in 2017, the number of its liver transplant surgeries exceeded 800, close to 100 more than that of 2016. On August 23, 2017, Xia Qiang’s team announced another figure: Renji Hospital’s Liver Transplant Center performed 1,000 cases of liver transplantation for children[37].
Investigation target: Kong Defu, doctor with liver transplant division of Shanghai Renji Hospital
Call made on March 18, 2017 at +86-18817667836
Excerpt: In 2016, the number of cases done could be 700 .
(Recording 144. Download MP3. Please refer toAttachment129 for transcript)[38].
Official reports: numbers of organ donations in Shanghai
Table 10. Officially Reported Numbers of Donated Organs from 2013 to 2018
Year |
Number of Organ Donations |
Cumulative Number of Organ Donations |
August 2013 to June 2016 |
The accumulated number of organ donations had exceeded 200 cases.[39] |
2016 |
A total of 138 cases of human organ donation were completed in 2016.[40] |
July 9, 2017 |
The 100th case of organ donation was made on this day in 2017.[41] |
August 25, 2017 |
The accumulated number of organ donations reached 400.[42] |
May 1, 2018 |
The 63rd case of organ donation was made on this day in 2018.[43] |
Phone Investigation: Volume of organ donations in Shanghai
Table 11. Table of 2015-2018 volume of organ donations
Date |
Year |
Person talked to |
Organization |
Organ Donation Situation |
December 17, 2015 |
2015 |
a staff member |
the Red Cross Society of China, Shanghai Branch, Huangpu District |
The work started only in the first half of last year. There was a document from above for this work, and it’s very difficult to get organ donations. As of now there have been only five successful cases of organ donations in Shanghai. (Recording 190. Download MP3; Transcript Download: Attachment 185) |
Figure 9. Comparison Graph of the Number of Voluntary Organ Donors in Shanghai as Reported in the Official Media and the Liver Transplant Volume in Renji Hospital in 2011
There are eight hospitals designated by the Ministry of Health to carry out liver transplants and seven hospitals designated by the Ministry of Health to carry out kidney transplants in Shanghai. The number of liver and kidney transplants in these hospitals is several thousand cases per year. The following are several examples.
On December 29, 2017, Renji Hospital announced that in 2017, the number of its liver transplant surgery exceeded 800 cases. On August 23, 2017, Xia Qiang’s team announced another figure: Renji Hospital’s Liver Transplant Center performed 1,000 cases of liver transplantation for children.[44]
This is partial information on the organ transplant situation in only one of the hospitals designated by the Ministry of Health to carry out organ transplants in Shanghai, and its volume already far exceeds the officially published quantity of organ donations in the entire city.
VIII. Large volume of transplant surgeries at Renji as verified by other hospitals
Investigation target: liver transplant surgeon with Changhai Hospital affiliated with the No.2 Military Medical University. Tel.: +86-2131161855
Call made on June 1, 2018
Excerpt: Last year over 100 liver transplant surgeries were performed, and 500 to 600 kidney transplant surgeries performed. And today there will be two liver transplant surgeries and two kidney transplant surgeries. Liver donors can be found in 10 days or half a month. A liver transplant would cost one million yuan and a kidney transplant would cost 500,000 yuan. Where can you find a liver donor for 150,000 yuan? Liver and kidney donors would become available in ten days. Transplant surgeries are being done every day, there are many of them. We are doing far less than Renji.[45]
( Download: MP3; Transcript Download: pdf Attachment)
Investigation target: Yang Han, liver transplant doctor with the Liver Transplant Department of the First Affiliated Hospital with Zhengzhou University
Call made on June 2, 2018 Tel.: +8637166279137
Excerpt: Organ donation costs about 350,000-yuan, surgery costs between 500,00 and 550,000 yuan all together. The organ donation fees are calculated by the Red Cross, the compensations to the donor’s family are figured out first, and then we are notified as how much we should charge you. With blood type A, it’s not easy; the waiting time is anywhere between two weeks and a month. The surgery can be done within one week. Transplant volume nationwide: Renji ranked first, Zhejiang University the second, we are the third, and the fourth may be Xiang Ya.
Tianjin First Central Hospital has the largest number of transplants in the country, but it has no data, because they have a data report that is not released, so there is no way to know how many (cases) it did conduct.
( Download: MP3; Transcript Download: pdf Attachment)
Ten. Name list of doctors engaged in transplant surgeries
SHJT001 Xia Qiang
Name: Xia (last name) Qiang (first name)
Gender: male
Year of birth: 1978
Personal profile: director of organ transplantation center, doctor at director level, and professor; member of organ transplantation group, surgery branch of China Medical Society; member of organ transplantation group, Shanghai branch of China Medical Society; and member of the board of registration of liver transplantation.
Graduated from Anhui Medical University and got his Bachelor's degree in medicine in 1978; graduated from Fudan University and got his Ph.D in medicine in 1997; and from October 1999 to October 2000, studied and worked as a senior visiting scholar at Lagos University, Austria sponsored by the Austrian government.
Upon returning to China, he worked as doctor at deputy director level at the division of general surgery of the First People’s Hospital in Shanghai, deputy director at research office on surgery, deputy director at the research center on organ transplantation in Shanghai, associate professor at Fudan University, and tutor for Master’s degree students. In 2002 he was hired as an associate professor by the medical college of Shanghai Jiaotong University. And in 2003 he was promoted to be a doctor at director level. [46]
Starting from scratch he led his time in completing 1800 cases of liver transplant surgeries within 10 years, leading the nation for three consecutive years in the number of surgeries performed, and especially in the field of liver transplant surgery for children, he led the world for three consecutive years in the number of surgeries. The division of liver transplantation at Renji performed over 200 surgeries every year[47]. In the field of liver transplantation for biliary tract-closed infants and children, it performed over 300 surgeries, accounting for two thirds of the total number in the nation. And the surviving rate is as high as 93%, reaching the high international standard[48].
The transplantation center completed half of the liver transplantation from living donor for infants and children nationwide and two thirds of the liver transplantation from living donor for adults in Shanghai. Its liver transplantation volume led Shanghai for eight consecutive years and started leading the nation in 2011.
SHJT002 Zhang Ming,
Personal profile: Doctor at deputy director level
He raduated in 1999 from the Second Military Medical University and got his Master’s degree in clinical medicine, and in 2002 he got his Ph.D in medicine. He was an attending doctor and lecturer at the military organ transplant research institute of Changzheng Hospital affiliated with the Second Military Medical University. Upon his discharge from the military in 2004, he became an attending doctor at deputy director level with the division of liver surgery of Renji Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University.
He mainly engaged in clinical and research work related to liver surgery and organ transplantation, as well as clinical liver and kidney transplantation, especially the liver transplantation for children and micro-surgery technology[49].
SHJT003 Zhang Jianjun,
Personal profile: deputy director of the organ transplantation section, doctor at director level, professor, tutor for Ph.D candidates, and member of the transplantation and immunization branch of Shanghai Immunization Society[50].
In 1991 he graduated from the Medical University of China and got his Bachelor's degree. From 1991 to 1998 he was a surgeon and attending doctor at 150 Central Hospital of PLA. In 2001 he received training in liver transplantation at the division of transplant surgery of Tianjin No.1 Central Hospital, studying with Professor Shen Zhongyang, a famous expert in liver transplantation in China. In July 2004 he got his Ph.D in medicine from the Second Military University[51].
He’s done nearly 1000 liver transplant surgeries and repeat liver transplant surgeries. He’s performed over 200 liver transplant surgeries with organs from living donors for infants and children.
SHJT004 Chen Xiaosong,
Personal profile: Doctor at deputy director level
In 1996 he graduated from the Second Military Medical University and got his Bachelor’s degree. He got his master’s degree in 1999 and worked in the division of infectious diseases, ICU for kidney transplant patients and ICU for liver transplant patients in Changzheng Hospital.
His main field of research is the rescuing of transplant patients in critical condition. As of August 2004, he engaged in rescuing work in 192 liver transplant surgeries and over 200 kidney transplant surgeries[52].
SHJT005 Xu Ning,
Personal profile: Doctor at deputy director level in the division of liver and gallbladder surgery, associate professor
He graduated from Shanghai Medical College affiliated with Fudan University. He started engaging in liver transplantation, clinical, research, and teaching work in the division of liver and gallbladder surgery in 2001.
He worked as a visiting scholar at the National Cancer Center in Italy and at the division of abdominal organ transplant of University of Leuven Hospital, Belgium, the second largest hospital in Europe. He’s engaged in work in liver and gallbladder surgeries and the clinical work in liver transplant. He’s been involved in over 1000 liver transplant surgeries. In recent years, he’s undertaken most of the work in surgery consultations outside of his division, each year he assisted other hospitals in completing about 30 liver transplant and liver surgeries[53]. Starting from 2001 he engaged in clinical and research work in liver and pancreas transplantation. Each year he performed over 130 liver transplant surgeries and assisted a dozen provincial level hospitals in liver transplant surgeries, including for adults, infants, and children[54].
SHJT006 Yuan Xiaodong,
Personal profile: Doctor at director level in the division of urology surgery
Postdoc at Shanghai Jiaotong University
Ph.D student at Harvard University sponsored by China
From 2008 to 2010 he studied at the division of transplant surgery of Brigham and Women Hospital affiliated with Harvard University, primarily in the field kidney transplantation[55].
SHJT007 Li Qigen, male
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the Center for Liver Transplantation
In 1995 he graduated from the Department of Marine Medicine of the Second Military University and got his bachelor’s degree. In 2004 he got his Ph.D in clinical medicine. His tutor was Professor Yang Guangshun with Dongfang Liver and Gallbladder Hospital.
He performed over 1000 liver transplant surgeries, hundreds of liver transplant surgeries with organs from living donors, and more than 150 liver transplant surgeries for infants and children[56].
SHJT008 Wang Xin,
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the Center for Liver Transplantation
Following his graduation from the Department of English Clinical Medicine of China Medical University, he started studying with Professor Yang Guangshun at Dongfang Hospital for Liver and Gallbladder Surgeries, engaging in research in clinical liver transplantation and getting his Master’s degree.
He performed over 200 liver transplant surgeries[57].
SHJT009 Tong Ying,
Personal profile: Attending doctor and Ph.D in medicine
In 1997 he graduated from the Department of Military Medicine of the Second Military University. Thereafter he engaged in clinical work at Dongfang Hospital for Liver and Gallbladder Surgeries in Shanghai for 10 plus years, and got his Master’s and Ph.D in medicine[58].
SHJT010 Han Longzhi,
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the Center for Liver Transplantation
Following his graduation from the Department of English Clinical Medicine of China Medical University, he started studying with Professor Yang Guangshun at Dongfang Hospital for Liver and Gallbladder Surgeries, engaging in research in clinical liver transplantation and getting his Master’s degree.
He performed over 500 liver surgeries for adult patients and more than 150 liver surgeries with organs from living donors for infants and children[59].
SHJT011 Xia Lei,
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the Center for Liver Transplantation
In 2003 he got his Master’s degree after completing a 7-year program at the Department of Military Medicine of the Second Military University. During the time while he was working toward his Master’s, he was involved in close to 40 liver transplant cases. He started to work for Dongfang Hospital for Liver and Gallbladder Surgeries after graduation.
He is primarily involved in organ acquisition and trimming[60].
SHJT012 Luo Yi,
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the Center for Liver Transplantation
In 2002 he graduated from the Second Medical University in Shanghai and got his Bachelor’s degree. From July 2002 to September 2004 he was a resident doctor at the division of general surgery of Renji Hospital in Shanghai. In September 2004, he became a resident doctor at the division of liver surgery of Renji Hospital. Since 2009 he’s been an attending doctor at the division of liver surgery. February through June 2012, he was studying minimally invasive liver surgery using laparoscopy at South-west Hospital for Liver and Gallbladder. He’s now an expert in that surgery[61].
SHJT013 Xing tianyu, male, born in 1980
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the Center for Liver Transplantation
In 2003 he graduated from the Second Medical University in Shanghai and got his Bachelor’s degree. From July 2003 to September 2004 he was a resident doctor at the division of general surgery of Renji Hospital in Shanghai. In September 2009 he became a doctor at the division of liver surgery. April through August 2011, he was studying with Academician Chen Zhaolong the liver surgery at Changgeng Hospital in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He’s be been involved in the completion of over 500 liver transplant surgeries, including more than 80 liver transplant surgeries using organs from living donors for young children[62].
SHJT014 Shen Conghuan,
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the Center for Liver Transplantation
In July 2002 he graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Second Medical University in Shanghai and got his Bachelor’s degree. From August 2002 to September 2004, he was a resident doctor at the surgery division of Renji Hospital of Shanghai, working in turn at general surgery, thoracic surgery, anesthesia, ICU, Urology, and orthopedics. In October 2004 he joined the division of liver surgery of Renji Hospital[63].
SHJT015 Xi Zhifeng,
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the Center for Liver Transplantation
In 2006 she graduated from a 7-year English-taught Master’s program in clinical medicine at the Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University.
She is engaged in liver surgery and liver transplant internal medicine. Her major field of research is in prevention and treatment of hepatitis B recurrence after liver transplantation and perioperative treatment of liver transplantation[64].
SHJT016 Hang Hualian,
Personal profile: Attending doctor and lecturer at the Center for Liver Transplantation
In 2003 he graduated from the Second Military University and got his Bachelor’s degree. In 2007 and 2010 he got his Master’s degree in clinical medicine and Ph.D in surgery respectively at the Medical College of Nanjing University, studying with Ding Yitao, a nationally renowned expert on liver and gallbladder surgery, and Professor Chou Yudong. Upon obtaining his Ph.D, he worked at the First Hospital in Nanjing affiliated with Nanjing Medical University for two years. In June 2012 he was transferred in a talent introduction program to the division for liver surgery of Renji Hospital affiliated with the Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University[65].
SHJT017 Xue Feng,
Personal profile: Associate Professor and doctor at deputy director level
In 1995 she graduated from the former Second Medical University in Shanghai, majoring in immunology and rheumatology. She studied with Professor Chen Shunle and got her Master’s degree. From 1995 to 1999, she was a resident doctor and attending doctor at the division of rheumatology of Renji Hospital. She got her Ph.D in medicine in Japan in 2004 and returned to Renji Hospital in 2006 as a doctor at deputy director level and tutor for Master’s degree students at the center for organ transplantation at Renji Hospital.
In 1999, sponsored by Japan’s ministry of education, she went to Japan to pursue her doctor’s degree, studying liver fibrosis treatment and organ transplantation immunity research under Professor Kogen Shiro, a famous transplant expert in Japan.
She is primarily involved in the diagnosis and treatment of end-stage liver disease and the internal diseases in the field of liver transplantation. She’s also responsible for the testing work in the transplant lab and the experiment on clinical medication, including the study of new medicines related to liver transplantation, transplant matching, and the monitoring of drug concentration[66].
SHJT018 Lu Tianfei,
Personal profile: Resident doctor at the Center for Liver Transplantation
In 2008 he graduated from the Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University and got his Master’s degree. He studied with Professor Xia Qiang, director of the division of liver surgery at Renji Hospital.
From February 2011 to September 2012 he was a postdoc at the Central Lab for Liver and Pancreas Transplantation of UCLA, his field of study being the mechanism of liver ischemia-reperfusion injury.
He’s performed so far more than 500 liver transplant surgeries[67].
SHJT019 Wang Siyue,
Personal profile: Coordinator at the Center for Organ Transplantation at Renji Hospital
She is responsible for follow-up data collation, online publication, reviewing of results and notification of doctors’ instructions[68].
SHJT020 Zhou Tao,
Personal profile: Resident doctor and teaching assistant at Pediatric Transplant Ward of the division of liver surgery and the division of surgery of Shanghai Medical Center for Children.
He’s mainly engaged in liver transplant surgery for children using organs from living donors[69].
SHJT021 Song Yu,
male, born in 1973
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the Center for Organ Transplantation
In 1996 he graduated from the Department of Military Medicine of the Second Military Medical University and got his Bachelor’s degree. He then worked at the university’s affiliate, Changhai Hospital for ten years, specializing in medical diagnosis and treatment of liver disease. He got his Master’s degree in clinical medicine in 2002. In 2003 he attended the College of Management affiliated with Fudan University and received his MBA[70].
SHJT022 Wang Yanan,
Personal profile: Doctor at director level at the Center for Kidney Transplantation
He graduated from the Department of Marine Medicine of the Second Military Medical University.
He has a wealth of experience in kidney transplantation and the diagnosis and treatment of kidney tumor. He started the combined transplantation of pancreas and kidney in Shanghai and has done two such surgeries. His main fields of study are basic and clinical research on kidney transplantation and pancreas-kidney transplantation. He’s primarily engaged in kidney transplantation[71].
SHJT023 Ying Liang,
male, born in June 1980
Personal profile: Attending doctor and lecturer at the Center for Organ Transplantation
In July 2005 he graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Second Medical University in Shanghai. He completed a 7-year program and got his Master’s degree.
Since 2005 he’s been doing kidney transplantation at the division of urology of Renji Hospital[72].
SHJT024 Qiu Feng,
male, born on December 22, 1968
Personal profile: Doctor at deputy director level, associate professor, director of the division of kidney transplantation, and young member of Transplantation Committee of Shanghai Chinese Medical Society
He graduated from the Department of Medicine of the Second Medical University in Shanghai in 1993.
He specializes in kidney transplantation and has performed over 300 allogeneic kidney transplant surgeries[73].
SHJT025 Liu Wei,
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the division of urology
In 2001 he graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Second Medical University in Shanghai. He completed a 7-year program and got his Master’s degree in clinical medicine. As a graduate student, he was mainly engaged in clinical work related to urology. He started to do kidney transplantation in 2000 and he’s since performed over 300 kidney surgeries, including more than 20 cases he completed independently[74].
SHJT026 Ling Jianyu,
male, born in August 1945
Personal profile: Doctor at director level at the Center for Organ Transplantation
In 1969 he graduated from the Medical Department of the Second Medical College in Shanghai; in 1977 he started working at the division of urology; and in 1979 he started specializing in allogeneic kidney transplantation. In 1982 he graduated from the Second Medical University in Shanghai and got his Master’s degree. He specialized in kidney transplantation.
From 1991 to 1993 he was at the Vascular and Kidney Transplant Center of the Medical Center in Westchester, New York Medical College, U.S.A. for further study on kidney transplantation.
He’s done more than 1000 kidney transplant surgeries, including those with the elderly, children, and family members as donors[75].
SHJT027 Zhou Zhihua,
Personal profile: Attending doctor at the division of urology
2001 through 2006 he was studying at the division of urology
and kidney transplant ward of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital. In 2006 he graduated from the Second Military University, got his Ph.D in kidney transplantation at the division of urology, and in the same year, joined the kidney transplant team at Renji Hospital affiliated with the Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University.
He was engaged in completing nearly 100 cases of kidney transplantation[76].
He’s experienced in organ preservation and basic and clinical aspects of kidney transplantation.
SHJT028 Chen Changzhi,
male, born in 1950
Personal profile: Doctor at director level and professor at the division of Thoracic Surgery
In 1981 he got his Master’s degree at Beijing Medical University. In 1989 he got his Ph.D in cardiovascular surgery at the Second Medical University in Shanghai. In 1997 he became deputy director of the division of Thoracic Surgery. 2001 through 2004 he was director of the division of cardiovascular surgery.
In 1993 he went to the United States for further study of new technology of coronary artery surgery and heart valve plasty, as well as the protection of heart muscle, lung preservation, and organ transplantation[77].
SHJT029 Liu Lin,
Personal profile: Director of the division of ophthalmology, doctor at director level, professor
Once director of the division of ophthalmology of Changhai Hospital and member at deputy director level of the Committee of Ophthalmology in the Military[78]
SHJT030 Li Peiling,
female, born in 1963
Personal profile: Doctor at director level and associate professor at the division of ophthalmology
In 1985 she graduated from the Medical Department of the Medical College affiliated with Dongnan University (formerly Nanjing Railroad Medical College) and got his Bachelor’s degree. She is member of corneal disease group of Shanghai Medical Society. She has long been engaged in ophthalmology clinical, teaching and scientific research for more than 20 years. She is good at diagnosis and treatment of cataract, glaucoma, corneal disease and ocular surface diseases[79].
[1] Introduction of Renji Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University
追查国际存档链接:Link to WOIPFG files…
[2]《中华人民共和国国家卫生和计划生育委员会网站》2007年08月06日“卫生部办公厅关于做好人体器官移植诊疗科目登记工作的通知附件:1、第一批通过卫生部人体器官移植技术临床应用委员会审核医院名单.doc” “Notice by Ministry of Health Office on Registration of Human organ transplant diagnosis and treatment subjects: List of First Group of Hospitals Approved by Ministry of Health Human Organ Transplant Technology Clinical Application Committee” posted on August 6, 2007 on Website of the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China
追查国际存档链接:Link to WOIPFG files
[3]仁济医院简介:Introduction to Renji Hospital
[4] Annex 1: the list of the hospitals that have passed the examination of board of clinic application of human organs transplant technology of the Ministry of Health. (2007, Aug. 6). the Notice of Ministry of Health on carrying out correctly the registration of clinic subjects of human organs transplantation. Website of National Health and Family Planning Commission. Retrieved from
WOIPFG Archived Link:
[5] 《中国器官移植网》日期:2007-06-28“上海仁济医院器官移植中心肝移植团队”Date on China Organ Transplant Network : June 28, 2007, “Liver Transplant Team of Shanghai Renji Hospital Organ Transplant Center”…
追查国际存档链接:Link to WOIPFG files
[6] Ren Qiehui & Shi Weiqiang. (2014, July 4). The Ninth China Medicine Price Winner, Director Xia Qiang of Liver Surgery of Renji Hospital. Looking at the Sky---Institute of Medicine of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Retrieved from
WOIPFG Archived Link:
[7]The First Liver Transplantation Demonstration Center are listed at Affiliated Renji Hospital. (2015, Apr. 2). Shanghai Jiaotong University News. Retrieved from
WOIPFG Archived Link:
[8]107 years' Renji: Ancient and Modern. (2014, Oct. 16). Xinmin Weekly. Retrieved from
WOIPFG Archived Link:
[9]The Liver Transplantation Demonstration Center are listed at Renji Hospital. (2015, Apr. 3). Jiefang Daily. Retrieved from
WOIPFG Archived Link:
[10] “Life Extended by Transplantation—on Tianjin Transplant Expert Shen Zhongyang and His Team ” by China Technology Market Daily on January 6, 2015
Link to WOIPFG files:
[11] Xia Qiang of elite team from Liver Surgery and Liver Transplant Center of Renji Hospital Affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
[12]“Huang Qi, young leader in liver transplant field” by Xia Qiang on June 23, 2006 on People.com
WOIPFG Archived Link:
[13] Zhang Jianjun of elite team from Liver Surgery and Liver Transplant Center of Renji Hospital Affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
[14] Profile of Xu Ning. Retrieved from
[15] Xu Ning ofElite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Retrieved from
[16]Li Qigen of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Retrieved from
[17]Han Longzhi of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Retrieved from
[18]Xin Tianyu of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Retrieved from
[19] Profile of Shen Conghuan. Retrieved from…
[20] Shen Conghuan of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Retrieved from
[21]Profile of Lu Tianfei, Retrieved from…
[22]Lu Tianfei of Research Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Retrieved from
[23]“Huang Qi, young leader in liver transplant field” by Xia Qiang on June 23, 2006 on
Link to WOIPFG files:
[24]Number of Liver Transplantation for Children at Affiliated Renji Hospital Sets New Record in 2014 on Shanghai Jiaotong University News Net
Link to WOIPFG files:
[25] “Liver Transplant Surgeon Unable to Leave Renji Hospital All “ carried by on August 19, 2013; Article source: Oriental Net-Wenhui Daily
Link to WOIPFG files:
[26] Nine hours-- witness the surgery of Asia's oldest kidney transplant patient from night to morning. (2005, Jan. 26). Jiefang Daily.
WOIPFG Archived Link:…
[27]Liver Transplantation Team of Organ Transplantation Center, Shanghai Renji Hospital. (2007, Jun. 28). Retrieved from…
[28]“Huang Qi, young leader in liver transplant field” by Xia Qiang on June 23, 2006 on People.com
WOIPFG Archived Link:Link to WOIPFG files:
[29] Liver Transplantion Team of Organ Transplantation Center of Shanghai Renji Hospital. (2007, June 28). Chinese Transplantation Website. Retrieved from…
WOIPFG Archived Link:Link to WOIPFG files:
[30] Ren Qiehui & Shi Weiqiang. (2014, July 4). The Ninth China Medicine Price Winner, Director Xia Qiang of Liver Surgery of Renji Hospital. Looking at the Sky---Institute of Medicine of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Retrieved from
WOIPFG Archived Link: Link to WOIPFG files:
[31] Division of Urology of Shanghai Renji Hospital
[32] “New Patient Wards at Renji Hospital Lunch High Turnover Inspired by Airport Approaches” posted on Dongfang Net on September 18, 2013
WOIPFG Archived Link:Link to WOIPFG files:
[33]Breaking news from New Tang Dynasty TV on March 20, 2015: Live Organ Harvesting Still Ongoing and Source Controlled By Military, confirmed by Doctor from Mainland China
[34] Minghui Net: “PLA Department of General Logistics Is Core Agency of Live Organ Harvesting” by Zhen Jun on November 11, 2009
[35]“Good doctor online”.
Link to WOIPFG files:
[36]《上海交通大学学报(医学版)》2006年6月(英文期刊名:Journal of Shanghai University (Medical Science)) “急诊肝移植术治疗食管曲张静脉破裂出血”作者:张建军、李齐根、张明、陈小松、韩龙志、罗毅、沈丛欢、刑天宇、奚志峰、夏强(上海交通大学医学院仁济医院器官移植中心,上海,200127)
“Emergency Liver Transplantation for Treatment of Bleeding from Esophageal Varices” by Zhang Jianjun, Li Qigen, Zhang Ming, Chen Xiaosong, Han Longzhi, and Luo Yi, Chen Conghuan, Xing Tianyu, Xi Zhifeng, Xia Qiang from Organ Transplantation Center of Renji Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Journal of Shanghai University (Medical Science), June 2006,
追查国际存档链接:Link to WOIPFG files:
[37] Profile of the organ transplant center at Anhui Provincial Hospital.
[38] “Anhui’s first case of a college student donating his organs can save a minimum of five people”. April 2, 2018. Source: China News.
[39]Shanghai Morning Post. “Shanghai’s human organ donation has a breakthrough of 400 cases.” Newsletter (September 1, 2017). Reporter: Pan Wen.
WOIPFG’s archived link:Link to WOIPFG files:
[40]“Media Spotlight | Renji Hospital has joined hands with 7 schools to launch organ donation courses to explore the ‘China model’ of organ donation!” May 10, 2017. Source: Wen Hui Bao. Reporter: Tang Wenjia.
WOIPFG’s archived link:Link to WOIPFG files:
[41]China News website. “A 27-year-old courier from Shanghai passed away in a car crash, his wife donated his organs to save three people.” July 19, 2017. Source: Xinhua News.
WOIPFG’s archived link:Link to WOIPFG files:
[42]Shanghai Morning Post. “Shanghai’s human organ donation has a breakthrough of 400 cases.” Newsletter (September 1, 2017). Reporter: Pan Wen.
WOIPFG’s archived link: http:Link to WOIPFG files: //
[43]The Red Cross Society of China, Shanghai Branch. “Organ donation makes lives go further.”
WOIPFG’s archived link:Link to WOIPFG files:
[44]China National Radio’s website. “Shanghai’s Renji Hospital’s liver transplant surgery volume exceeded 800 cases in 2017, setting the world’s new record”. December 30, 2017.
[45]WOIPFG. “WOIPFG’s Investigation Report on Status Quo of the CCP’s Live Organ Harvesting of Falun Dafa Practitioners (V).” July 20, 2018.
[46] 上海仁济医院器官移植中心肝移植团队” 《中国器官移植网》 日期:
China Organ Transplantation Net: “Liver Transplantation Team of Organ Transplantation Center of Renji Hospital in Shanghai ” Posted on June 28, 2007
[47] 仰望星空——记第九届中国医师奖得主, 仁济医院肝脏外科主任夏强 上海交通大学医学院,2014年7月
Looking at Stars—on Xia Qiang, Winner of Ninth Award for Chinese Doctors and Director of Division for Liver Surgery of Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, July 2014
[48] 上海交通大学校长奖网络评选 Shanghai Jiaotong University President Award Online Selection
[49] 仁济医院-肝脏外科 好大夫在线
Renji Hospital-Division of Liver Surgery; Good Doctors Online……
[50] 仁济医院-肝脏外科 好大夫在线
Renji Hospital-Division of Liver Surgery; Good Doctors Online……"
[51] 仁济医院-肝脏外科 好大夫在线
Renji Hospital-Division of Liver Surgery; Good Doctors Online……"
[52] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》 精英团队 陈小松
Chen Xiaosong of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[53] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》 精英团队 徐宁
Xu Ning of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[54] 《好大夫在线》 徐宁简介Good Doctors Online Profile of Xu Ning…
[55] 《好大夫在线》袁晓东简介 Good Doctors Online Profile of Yuan Xiaodong…
[56] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》 精英团队 李齐根
Li Qigen of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University
[57] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》精英团队 王鑫
Wang Xin of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[58] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》精英团队 童颖
Tong Ying of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[59] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》精英团队 韩龙志
Han Longzhi of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》精英团队 夏雷
Xia Lei of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[61] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》精英团队 罗毅
Luo Yi of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[62] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》精英团队邢天宇
Xing Tianyu of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[63] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》精英团队沈丛欢
Shen Conghuan of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[64] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》精英团队 奚志峰
Xi Zhifeng of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[65] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》精英团队 杭化莲
Hang Hualian of Elite Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[66] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》科研团队 薛峰
Xue Feng of Research Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[67] 《上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院肝脏外科、肝移植中心》科研团队 陆天飞
Lu Tianfei of Research Team of Liver Surgery and Liver Transplantation Center, Affiliated Renji Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University…
[68] 《中国器官移植网》日期:2011-03-01 王思岳—肝移植,仁济器官移植中心协调员
China Organ Transplantation Net; Date: March 1, 2011; Wang Siyue, coordinator of Organ Transplantation Center of Renji Hospital……
[69] 《好大夫在线》周韬简介
Good Doctors Online Profile of Zhou Tao…
[70] 《中国器官移植网》宋玉—肝移植,主治医师
China Organ Transplantation Net: Song Yu, attending doctor in liver transplantation……
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[77] 《搜狐健康》陈长志简介
Soho Health Profile of Chen Changzhi
[78] 《医元网》柳林简介
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[79] 《好大夫在线》李佩玲简介
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