Jan 15, 2024
4 mins read
4 mins read

【茶緣茶疗】一位重度皮膚病患者的自述 A self- report of a patient with severe skin disease

【茶緣茶疗】一位重度皮膚病患者的自述 A self- report of a patient with severe skin disease

我是一个重度皮肤病患者,病史有 20 余年,从上高中开始,我就已经患了脂溢性皮炎,经常挠的一身的皮屑。

I am a severe dermatological patient with a history of more than 20 years, and since I was in high school, I have been suffering from seborrheic dermatitis and scratching my flakes all over my body.

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When I went to college, my hands began to itch.

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Later, I also had flaking and itching on my elbows.

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Then the inside of the ears, the roots of the ears, the shoulders, the legs, and so on, all over the body, began to appear. Especially in the ears, because it was too itchy, I scratched in the middle of the night, causing water to come out, and with earwax, blocking the ears, resulting in deafness.

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In order to treat my skin disease, I went to the doctor all the way. When I first found out in high school, I started to apply ointments, and basically tried all the ointments on the market (hormone-containing and non-hormone-free), and found that, it was good after applying it, but it would recur when it stopped, and it would be more itchy when it recurred.


Later, I began to go to the hospital, and the doctor diagnosed eczema, psoriasis, etc., so I had injections, from small injections to intravenous drips, and it did get better quickly, but like the topical ointment, it recurred soon after stopping the drug, and the itching became worse.


Later, I thought that the hospital in my hometown was not good, but after arriving in Beijing, I began to find a doctor in the hospital in Beijing, did bacterial culture, etc., and was diagnosed with eczema and psoriasis again, and prescribed some new ointments for me to use, and the result was still the same, recurrence and recurrence.


I gave up the treatment and tried to live with skin diseases, but as a girl, such disease always look dirty, and the itching is also very disturbing to life.

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I started to try TCM treatment. I found a lot of doctors, drank a lot of Chinese medicine soup, but I couldn't find a medicine that could treat my skin disease, and I couldn't see any hope or effect.


So I began to help myself. I heard about a divine book, and began to learn to do moxibustion by myself, burning myself all over my body, but I still couldn't see the effect.

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I did a lot of burns and scars like this at the time, and it really hurt, but unfortunately it didn't get better.

然而,冥冥之中似乎有安排,2023 年我遇到了茶缘茶。原本我只是想学茶道,却没想到,我是打开了新世界的大门。

However, there seems to be an arrangement. In 2023 I met Cha Yuan Tea. Originally, I just wanted to learn the tea ceremony, but I didn't expect that I was opening the door to a new world.

当时我还在喝中药,是一个网上找到的网红医生,每次去看诊,要在网上蹲点抢号、非常难抢,每次看诊去医院排队,要 3 小时起步,记得有一次从下午 2 点多,排到了晚上 10 点多才看上。

At that time, I was still drinking Chinese medicine, and went to see a celebrity doctor found on the Internet. Every time I went to the doctor, I had to queue up in the internet to grab a number. It was very difficult, and every time I went to the hospital, I had to queue at least 3 hours. I remember that one time I queued from 2pm in the afternoon, until 10pm in the evening.


But the more I drank the medicine shoup, the more I felt that I was gray. My complexion was getting worse and worse, and the itching did not improve at all.


At that time, I happened to have a little Cha Yuan Tea in my hand. One day I suddenly wanted to drink Cha Yuan Tea, and it turned out that it's just that cup made me feel good, although I did not know the reason.


So, for the next few days, I brew Cha Yuan Tea for a whole day, and I vaguely felt that my skin didn't seem to be so itchy, and I looked at my face, it seemed brightened as well.

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So, I was intrigued.


I began to try to understand the Cha Yuan Tea.


I signed up for the tea ceremony classes, learned about the different functions and different preparation methods of various teas, learned about the differences between Chayuan tea and other teas, and saw the kindness, peace, and love of the tea ceremony teachers at Cha Yuan. I want to know more and more about it.


I learned that Cha Yuan provides personal healing service. With a half-believing mentality, with a try-and-see mentality, I asked a teacher to do a case. After all, in my cognition, tea is just tea, as being a science and engineering student, I didn't like to interpret too many illusory things. But I tried. I guess at that time, I wanted to verify whether it was a lie or a deception.


It was this trial that miracle things happened.


My skin disease, little by little, began to get better.

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Those serious places, gradually repaired. Those dotted and later lesions, such as on the legs, shoulders, etc., quickly disappeared completely.


It seems that from the beginning of drinking tea, my body was changing every day, and my symptoms were getting better every day. I went from not believing to waiting and see.

但我一直坚持,坚持喝茶。大概经过了一个多月老师的调理,病灶就几乎好了 70%。

But I've always insisted on drinking tea. After more than a month of teacher's conditioning, the lesion was almost 70% better.

继续喝了 3 个月时,我开始根据自己的感觉、自己的口感来喝茶,然后发现不论喝什么茶,身体似乎都在好转,这可能就是老师说的,茶会自己到我身体需要的地方去吧。

After 3 months of drinking, I started to drink tea according to my feelings, my taste, and then I found that no matter what tea I drank, my body seemed to be getting better, which may be what the teacher said, the tea will go to the place where my body needs it.

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现在距离我开始喝茶,有 9 个月的时间了,我的双肘、手肘、腿窝,已经痊愈。

It's been 9 months since I started drinking tea, and my elbows, elbows, and leg sockets have healed.


Skin diseases have gradually become the history of my life.


Looking back, I find that I am very grateful for the company of these diseases, along with the torture of the skin. I went from understanding hormones, Western medicine, to understanding Chinese medicine, self-study of Chinese medicine, and finally to tea.


I think it was because of the skin disease that I opened up my curiosity and exploration of the body and life, and finally came across tea.


I am grateful for everything I have experienced. I am grateful for the suffering of my body. I am grateful for my body. I am grateful for the hard work of my body, and I am grateful for the guidance of the disease.


However, I am most grateful to have met Cha Yuan Tea. And now, I feel that she is like a patron saint, guarding me and the people I love. She will appear when everyone needs it, and she will help me and the people around me.


I am especially grateful to the teachers of Cha Yuan, the tea makers of Cha Yuan to make such a pure and perfect tea, to help everyone. I am grateful to the teachers of the tea ceremony classes for selflessly sharing the story of tea, and to the teachers of tea therapy for their compassionate help and guidance.


I also hope that more people can drink pure tea, use healthy tea to nourish a healthy body, and cultivate a peaceful and tolerant heart.


May the world be free of disease and disaster.

感恩。I am grateful. ◇