2 分で読める
2 分で読める


If you see just one movie this year, or this decade, see Eternal Spring. It is a film about the city of Changcun, in the People’s Republic of China, more than twenty years ago, about the Chinese Communist Party’s inhuman and violent campaign against the peaceful practitioners of Falun Gong. But it is about more than that. It is about the lengths to which the Chinese government will go to destroy Chinese culture and to terrorize the Chinese people.

今年、あるいはこの10年で、映画を1本だけ見るとするなら、『長春―Eternal Spring』を見るべきだ。この映画は、20年以上前の中華人民共和国の長春市を描いたもので、中国共産党による法輪功学習者に対する非人道的で暴力的なキャンペーンを描いている。しかし、それ以上のこと ――  中国文化を破壊し、中国国民を恐怖に陥れるために、中国政府はどこまでやるのかということ ―― が描かれている。

Eternal Spring is also, in an even larger sense, about the war between governments and freedom, between police states and human flourishing. If you think that what happened to Falun Gong practitioners could never happen in your country, then you don’t know what your own government is capable of.


Eternal Spring does not have a happy ending. Because the suffering caused by the Chinese government can never be undone, and also because the story which Eternal Spring tells is not finished yet. When the Chinese Communist Party falls and the people of China are finally free, then the story will end.


In China, at least. But the fight for freedom will continue elsewhere.


For now, please watch this film and know the truth about China. If the whole world watches Eternal Spring, then, I pray, the end of the Chinese Communist Party will be near.


Jason Morgan
