Hello there, and welcome to my channel 💫🔮 Wheel of Fortune Psychic Tarot! 🔮💫
My name is Nia and this platform is where I share my psychic gifts with those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. My goal is to provide comfort and healing by building a spiritual bridge between Heaven & Earth, the physical life and the afterlife. My mission is to make you understand that:
✨ Death is not the end. Love never dies. Our souls will always reunite. There is a higher purpose. ✨
My psychic abilities include psychometry, clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance and clairsentience, as well as mediumship. My gifts help me tune into the energies of people or events in order to give truthful information and genuine spiritual guidance about any question my viewers and clients might have.
Thank you for joining our community!
~ Nia 💜💫