NNT The Bridge Guy!

NNT The Bridge Guy!

NNT The Bridge Guy!

This channel is created to collect and display inspiring information on Historic Documents, Science and Technology related to Bridge Engineering. Bridge engineering is a field of civil engineering concerned with the design, construction, and maintenance of bridges. Bridges are structures built to span physical obstacles such as rivers, valleys, or roads and provide passage for people, vehicles, and goods. The design of a bridge involves various factors including the materials used, loading conditions, environmental conditions, and cost. The construction process involves selecting the appropriate construction method, planning, and execution. The maintenance of a bridge is important to ensure its longevity and safety for users. Only criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research are permitted on this channel. A copyrighted work may be used "fairly" under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 for things like criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research without violating the author's rights. This channel might include protected content that the owners of the rights have not specifically approved. We think that our non-commercial use of the content complies with U.S. copyright law's fair use standards. The original creators of the content on this channel are given full rights and credit. No infringement on copyright was intended. Beyond fair usage, we do not support the use of our channel's content. References: https://www.nguyenngoctuyen.online/ https://sites.google.com/view/bridgecourses https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/107