Once upon a time...
In a distant galaxy, the arrangement of stars and planets is happening. Therefore, there are two elves that need to be reincarnated to Earth on a mission.
The most important thing is for the elves to find a mother for themselves. So, they had to search among the seven billion people on Earth to choose one, and then the image of a woman reading a book under a yellow light appeared.
The two elves whispered, "That's our mother."
Before leaving, the elves created two memory spheres.
The first ball sent a message: "Mother, we came to Earth to be your children. There, we remember the world of gods, just as we were once little elves. Yes, We just remembered what our mission to Earth was." The second sphere stores information about the god's world. Two spheres from that distant galaxy, slowly approached the woman reading a book.
A few years later, the woman gave birth to two boys, two years apart. The older brother's name is Sao, the younger's name is Tinh Tu. When Five Stars was six years old, the mother had a strange dream and realized that:
"A mother's duty is to remind her child of the world of god."
With all the above reasons, "The Vietnamese fairy tale" was born.